I Don't Believe This Woman! #MeToo Accuser vs. Judge Kavanaugh

Judge Brett Kavanaugh is accused of “attempted rape” by a liberal Palo Alto, California psychology professor Christine Blasey Ford, who participated in Women’s March and was encouraged to come forward by the Me Too movement. She’s represented by #MeToo lawyer Debra Katz who’s a liberal who goes easy on accused Democrats, and brings up Anita Hill who accused Justice Clarence Thomas.

I don’t believe this woman! RINOs Jeff Flake & Bob Corker want to delay the vote. Susan Collins & Lisa Murkowski too. Flake hates Trump almost worse than John McCain did (who died)! Sen. Dianne Feinstein has vampire eyes, no life, she’s dead.

Democrats don’t like values; they don’t like God. Trump speaks and stands up for Christians and for Kavanaugh.

Originally aired Tuesday, Sep 18, Hour 1, segment 2-4

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