#MeToo Movement - Does It Actually Help Victims or Not?

I would like to assume that everyone knows about the #MeToo Movement that has taken over media outlets and social media, but in case you have not heard of the movement I will try to explain. Me Too means you stand with Woman who have been harassed or assaulted. That is the theory at least, but I guess I am questioning whether the movement is really to support woman or just another passing fad that nobody will care about in a couple months. When the Me Too Movement passes, where will it leave the victims of these injustices? For now you can't turn on the TV or go to twitter without being hit by this new movement. A simple search on Amazon pulls up 7 pages of t-shirts dedicated to this movement like this one:

Me Too Movement T-Shirt
Me Too Movement Shirt

There was a time when we were told to wear safety pins to show people they were safe around us, or wear a pink hat to support all woman. Honestly think this is just another passing phase that will fade away and people will stop caring. I'm not saying it is right, but it is the truth.

Have I been sexually harassed? YES!
Have I been sexually assaulted? YES!

Am I a VICTIM? NO, you don't get that power over me!
Do I need societies validation for what has happened to me? NO!

Like most Americans I am not a celebrity and I don't have a voice, but I feel holding on to terrible things that have happened to me in the past is more damaging then terrible thing. So wear your t-shirts and use your hashtags and make yourself feel good that you made a difference, but in all honestly, you haven't changed anything, you just got your 15 minutes in the spotlight.

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