Who is Metatron ? Called the Lesser Yahweh (יהוה הקתן)

Metatron is probably the most powerful and mysterious Angel or Divine being ? God (Two Powers in Heaven) ? … in the ancient, pre-Christian Tradition. (200-300 BC)

Metron is known as the Lesser Yahweh, and the Son of Man.

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He is called "the Youth", a title previously used in 3 Enoch, where it appears to mean "servant". It identifies him as the angel that led the people of Israel through the wilderness after their exodus from Egypt (again referring to Exodus 23:21), and describes him as a heavenly priest.

But what are the origins of this being known as the "Lesser Yahweh (יהוה הקתן)" ? In the 5/6th century ce Sefer Hekhalot (Book of Palaces or 3 Enoch), we go on a heavenly journey to the Throne (merkavah) of God with Rabbi Ishmael to learn that the angel Metatron was once Enoch, transformed into a being of fire, witness a host of angelic systems, a tour of the Paradise and She'ol, the Underworld, a glimpse of the Right Hand of the Divine and even a glimpse of all of cosmic history as embroidered on the veil (pargod) covering the very face of God. While the first Book of Enoch is more famous, the Third Book of Enoch is a true tour de force of apocalyptic visions and the ancient occult mysticism of those that allegedly descended to the Chariot-Throne of the Divine.

Source: Youtube

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