For MetaRobots Players, Half Price Flash Sale on Beta Battle Card Packs!

Hi friends! This post is only going to apply to some of you. If you're in MetaRobots, we have news!

First, the Christmas Game is ending in about 3 days as you probably already know. Only a few of you got the Top Prize of 10,000 GAME tokens. Good luck to the rest of us! 😃🍀

Card Sale!

Now, the reason for this post - We're having a Half Price Flash Sale on Beta Battle Card packs! The regular price was 600 VOLTs and the Flash Sale price is just 300 VOLTs, Half Price!

Beta Packs Half Price and some example cards

So you know that Alpha packs are 200 VOLTs and Beta were 600 VOLTs. You know that the Beta packs give you a better chance at the rarer cards. Just how much better? What's the math?

So with the Alpha packs, each rarer type is 10 times less likely to show up. So for example if you bought a total of 1111 cards, your chance to get a common is 1000 in 1111, rare is 100 in 1111, epic is 10 in 1111 and Legendary is 1 in 1111.

So the probabilities are
common: 90.009%
rare: 9.009%
epic: 0.9009%
Legendary: 0.09009%

For the Beta packs, each rarer type is just 5 times less likely to show up. So for example if you bought 156 cards, your chance to get a common is 125 in 156, rare is 25 in 156, epic is 5 in 156 and Legendary is 1 in 156.

So the probabilities are
common: 80.128%
rare: 16,0256%
epic: 3.20513%
Legendary: 0.641026%

Another way to look at it is, the chance to NOT get a common card is double. In Alpha packs, only about 10% of cards are better than common, but in Beta about 20% of cards are better than common.

So if you're in MetaRobots, check it out and think about taking advantage of the Beta Battle Card pack sale! This is only going to last a few days!

Happy New Year! 😃👍❤️

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