Seeing From A Higher Perspective With Pink Mangano Calcite

Perceive life situations from a higher vantage point
with the aid of Pink Mangano Calcite vibes.

Pink Magnano Calcites carry emotional balancing energy assisting you to allow long standing patterns to emerge from deep within your energy body. Releasing any trauma and pain due to past emotional abuse is very beneficial to your overall health. This helps you to realize how important each event was in your life to help you grow stronger.

Everything that you have experienced has had a purpose in your life in one form or another. The Mangano Calcite stones will help you to perceive the events from a higher perspective. You just may find yourself in a state of forgiveness and understanding of the role others have played in your life.

Key Words - Well-Being, Compassion , Oneness

Chakra - 4th – Heart
Element - Fire
Astrological Sign - Cancer, Libra, Taurus
Numerical Vibration - 4, 55
Hardness - 2.5 – 3
Origin - Brazil, Peru


“I AM one with my Higher Self, accepting of all aspects of me.
I see myself as beautiful & perfect at all times.”

The sweet gentle vibrations of Mangano Calcite carry the essence of Divine Love. When working with them during meditation you may just feel yourself surround by unconditional love and the presence of angels. The soft, gentle vibes are just sweet to embrace.

Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about Pink Mangano Calcite. Love and light to all!

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