Wolf Messing mystery men

I believe many people are not introduced with the life and work of Wolf Messing.

He was born in Poland (1899-1974) when territory was belongs to Russian empire. In his early life he was saying that he been clinically dead and after that event his start to see things, what will happen in the future.

The first occasion that he had the chance to show his abilities was in a circus in Berlin, which was one of his first jobs. He was able to show that he can read minds. One of his performances was watched by two famous scientists Einstein and Freud, they gave him a little test and he left them amazed. Hitler was chasing him because of his prediction how the war and he will end and Stalin was full of respect for his advice on future events, he managed to save his son by telling him to avoid travel with the team of hockey players, the airplane crashed and all the players died.

He was also very good at hypnotizing people, witch helped him once to escape from prison and to rob money from the bank as well. Some peop

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