Actively waiting!

What are you waiting for? In school? In your family? Or in your friends?

What is your posture while waiting

For a child, waiting for Christmas is not easy. He/she must find waiting very difficult and asks this question frequently,
"How long will we wait for Christmas?" Some children will do nothing, stare on their calendar and start to count down the
days to Christmas, while some will be productive and prepare even more for the most awaited and exciting time of the
We can easily recognize a child's struggle with waiting. It takes a lot of hard work and, at times, it can even test our faith.
It's especially difficult when there is no guarantee that our waiting will ever end in this lifetime ! But God wants us to
know that waiting is far from a passive activity in which we do nothing like what some kids do while waiting. In the Bible,
we will find that God wants us to actively participate in the work He desires to accomplish. Waiting can cultivate good
fruits in our lives such as patience, perseverance and endurance, but it also draws us closer to our Saviour Jesus Christ by
actively waiting for His coming this Christmas. As YFL members, we must be active while waiting for our Lord by:

Praying constantly. Continue to pray while waiting for Him even when God does not seem to be answering our prayer.
DON'T STOP PRAYING! God may not answer in the way we expect, but He will surely accomplish His good purposes in
our lives when we wait for Him and persevere in prayer.

Hoping against hope. Greater things are yet to come. Always remember that God has great plans for us, especially for
those who wait. During the long season of waiting, our hearts will be encouraged to remember that the best is yet to
come - a future full of hope and a life with everlasting joy with the One who we have been waiting for, Jesus Christ.

For self reflection, answer the following question:

  1. How do you feel when you wait for something important?
  2. What are the steps that you can take as you prepare for the coming of
    our Lord this Christmas?

As your challenge
Increase your prayer time with the Lord.

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