I battle with my own breath as though am in my last days on planet earth, I try to overcome my worst fear only to find out that I have been defeated already by it, I struggle to scales through, knowing that I have been made weak already by my fears. Awake! Awake! Is the sound I could hear coming from a far point, I tried to look and see who was calling me to awake, all I could see was a blurry view of a person standing close to my dying bed, beside the person, were other people who I could barely see their faces , but could hear their faint sound of cry. After some few minutes later, the faint sound I could hear was no more, at this point I could only see the blurry movement of people around me, which was beginning to fade away and my heart was now pumping in minutes, at this point it was clear to me, that death was standing close to me and nothing could be done to stop it. When i thought it was over, behold I saw a bright light shine upon my face and I heard a clear voice call out my name, I tried to recognize the voice but I couldn't, then I realized it was not the voice of a mortal, but an immortal voice that sounded like water pouring out from a fall, at this point my heart that was beating in minutes/beat, started pumping like what I could not explain,the one speaking asked me to fear not, then he began to speak, firstly he said "despite how much of a sinner you are I still love you and want to give u a second chance", it was at this point it became clear, that it was the voice of the most high speaking because he alone can give man a second chance, immediately I felt this sharp pain in my heart, knowing I was not deserving for another chance, I knew I lived a wrong life, to prove he was indeed God, He immediately spoke out my thoughts to me, and made me understand that he will show mercy to whom he will, and that mercy is not by works but unmerited favor from Him.

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