This is Mercedes

Hello Steemians,

I was exploring some information in Wikipedia today, and from one page to another i landed on the page that was talking about where Mercedes-Benz name came from,

It's fascinating to know such a fact about one of the largest cars manufacturer

so i decided to share it with you.

In case if you ever wondered who is Mercedes!

Mercédès Adrienne Ramona Manuela Jellinek (September 16, 1889 – February 23, 1929)

She was the daughter of Austrian automobile entrepreneur Emil Jellinek, known after 1903 as Emil Jellinek-Mercedes

He was a wealthy European automobile entrepreneur with Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft ('DMG') who introduced the first 'modern' car, the Mercedes 35hp.

Jellinek created the Mercedes trademark in 1902, naming the cars after his daughter

However his daughter was not related to the business by any means, and she died with cancer at age 39.

i find this information fascinating, how one name can become that much famous just because a father decided to name something after his child.


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