Rehab & My Recovery


Why I'm in Recovery...

I'm in recovery as a result of my Major Depressive Disorder, and General Anxiety Disorder. I have been suffering from crippling depression since middle school. I have been using just about every drug under the sun since I was 14.

As a result, the past few years of my life have been chaotic, to say the least. I've been drifting between friends' houses, and 3/4 houses (sober living houses). I have come to the conclusion I am absolutely unsuccessful at being an addict, and I will never be able to maintain a life of using drugs.

Since I got in rehab, I got put on 3x 8 mg Suboxone and 3x 800 mg gabapentin to fend off opioid cravings, and help with my anxiety and irritability. I never had any success with bare-bones recovery before, but I understand why people don't like Suboxone. I personally think I need it for starting my journey to becoming a successful adult. I have regained my motivation, energy, and ambition. I want to start working hard on my blog while I work on a career in network security, but I have a lot of faith in Hive, and hopefully, my blog, along with a decent job is enough income for steady housing, and a new pc for college.

The plan is to start going to college for network security as soon as I get on my feet, and self sufficient.

This rehab is co-occuring so I plan on doing some research and doing anonymous surveys on what drug's people are addicted to and their mental health diagnosis. I hope you all find the information useful, It will be posted as soon as everything is put together.

I also have plenty of stories from jail, rehabs, and using if anyone is interested let me know. Anyone with suggestions on what they would like to read about blog wise, and whats trending would be greatly appreciated.

I get out of rehab on the 11th, and I'm going to a 3/4 sober living home, as well as getting a job right away. Thanks to everyone who showed support on my introduction post, :) My journey is just starting, but I have a lot of hope for the immediate future.

Stay tuned for a variety of interesting posts once I get the resource credits. Currently, producing and editing several new posts.

Photo by Pavel Nekoranec on Unsplash

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