How I got a wife in supernatural Way!

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In Prague I met people from Harvest International who were traveling around in old buses with circus tent preaching and praying for sick, so I went with them for some years . We have seen thousands and thousands of people to come to Jesus and to be healed. Gods power was so strong there, that when I saw some person who could not walk properly or move hands, I was glad that people in tent will see Gods Healing power in action, since majority of those people Jesus healed completely or they got considerably better.( In west countries only few people were healed, not majority) Than some business man paid me to go with them to Thailand, to translate business. I stayed there for several months and could do evangelisation with local pastors or preach in the church, since business took only few hours in week. But even though Thai people are so nice and kind, it was a very differenn culture and I felt very lonly there, having no girlfriend, wife or close friend. Then I got invitation to be a pastor and also invitation by US missionary to work with him with boat ministry which I preferred most. I told them I would need a wife to live in Thailand permanently so I went back to Czech republic to get one. When I came to Prague I asked God to send me a wife to Methodist Church, which I planed to visit on Sunday. (a girl who would not be afraid of adventure on boat or jungle and would not mind living in a simple way without the electricity and things spoiled westerners are used to) On Sunday I went to Church and at the tram station I saw a nice girl with beautiful ayes. So I told God I would like a girl like that, and also to give me courage to talk to her ( I was allways shy to talk to girls, more pretty they were, the more shy I was, and this was a very pretty girl). God heared my prayer and gave me courage, so I gave her Christian tractate and invited her to that Methodist Church behind the corner where I was on way to. She told me , she is also going to that Church, she is only waiting for her father. She came to Church, gave me her address, 3days later I asked her if she would mind living on sailing boat or in the simple hut in jungle, and she said she would love it, therefore I asked her to marry me and she said yes. 3weeks after I met her, we got married when my mentor Gösta Öman come to Prague. I think it is normally much better when people know each other longer time before they get married, but I needed to get back to Thailand soon (had no money of my own to travel - those business man payed the travels when they needed me) . First long time after that, she admitted that she was praying to God the same week as I did, telling Him that she does not want to be alone any more, asking Him to send her a husband who is older than she and who likes adventure a lot, to that Methodist Church ( where she normally does not go - and neither did I) that Sunday.

Back in Thailand we were happy to see how God was doing His miracles and saving people.

Once we were for example asked to pray for an old man who fell from a high mango tree and broke his back so he could not walk. Doctors said they can not do anything for him anymore. We prayed to Jesus for whom there are no hopeless cases, but we did not see any healing that day. Next day he told his doughtier that in the dream he heard a voice telling him he is healed now and can go to WC by himself, but he was arguing that he can not walk. When he woke up, he went to WC by himself and his doughtier said he is not so much surprised that Jesus healed him, but what surprised him very much was that God of foreigners can speak so perfectly Thai language.

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