10 Rules of Watches


Men of style know that they are not supposed to wear brown shoes with a black belt. Likewise they are also aware of how a pre-tied bow tie is also a no-go area unless you are a child. Similarly, there are rules when it comes to watches – albeit a little fuzzy.

Whether you are supporting an expensive watch, a casual timepiece, a formal one or an inexpensive one, here are the 10 rules that you must follow.

  1. Metals and colours go together

A lot of confusion arises from the fact that people dont know what to match their watch to. People know that belts should be matched with shoes bit what to match your watch to? The answer is simple. Metals and colours go together.

Notice the colour of your belt buckles, rings, and cufflinks and choose a watch matching in metal. Wear brown with brown, yellow gold with yellow gold and so on. Focus on the boldest part of the watch such as the straps, colour of the dial, strap and metal

  1. No dive watch with a suit

The same way that you dont wear sunglasses at night, you should also not wear dive watches with a suit. The fact that because James Bond did it is not a valid argument and does not make you eligible.

  1. Separate the darks and lights

Always wear dark with dark and light with light. If you are out in the day, consider wearing cream or white and at night switch to black, browns and blues.

  1. New day, new watch

Just like you dont wear the same underwear everyday, watches need to be changed too or at least alternated. Do not wear the same watch every day. This is because the watch will not go with every outfit you own. Therefore, if you love wearing watches, the you should focus on building a small collection of watches regardless of your budget.

  1. Snug fit

As with any other piece of clothing, the fitting is important. Same is the case with a watch. The watch should fulfill 2 key points. One, the dial should be proportionate to your wrist. Second, the strap should fit you nicely. It should not be too loose or too tight. If it is either of those, it is recommended you take it to your watch guy or your jeweller to have it fixed.

  1. Over-sized is over

That’s true folks. The over sized dials that once caught on like wildfire are now over and thankfully so. All the large dials did was to scream for attention without fitting in well with a nicely combined outfit by throwing everything out of proportion. If you want to be acknowledged for your taste in watches, stick to dials that fit your wrist.

  1. Wear it where you like it

Traditionally, the rule of the thumb was to wear the watch on your non-dominant hand. However, today, its more about comfort. So wear your watch on the wrist that is more comfortable and convenient for you.

  1. Admire from a distance

Just like the way you dont touch someone’s wallet, a watch is also to be admired from a distance. It is perfectly fine to ask some one to see their watch but do not expect them to take it off and hand it to you. If they do, be gracious and thank them as you give it a closer look before returning it.

  1. Pair it right

You never wear shorts to office and neither do you wear your jeans to a formal dinner. The same way, your watch needs to be paired appropriately with the event or the activity. A formal dinner calls for a simple dress watch while sport watches go very well with any athletic activity. So make sure you are dressing for the occasion from head to toe.

  1. No bling

Unless you are a music mogul or a pimp, it is highly recommended that you skip the flashy watches for the simple reason that it has no space in the wardrobe of a well-dressed gentleman unless the diamonds or jewels are extremely fine and used to accentuate certain aspects of the watch such as the dial’s rim, the numbers etc.

Following these rules should make you spot on every time with your watch wearing and collection. Talk to us in the comments below and let us know which watches do you have and if following these tips made any difference to you? Also put in your suggestions for others to read and follow.

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