From a slave to a master chapter # 42 - The key of will, part II

A Memoir

From the moment you declare, mainly to yourself, that you strongly want to find True-Love, that you determine by choice that this is a journey that you will relentlessly follow from now on, you actually give consent to receive visits from the framework 2, the kingdom of your master-self.


Credit: quizony

At first, those semi-official visitations will be ordinary, routine and may not easily draw your attention. Nevertheless, real they sure are. An innocent invitation from your friend to “just go out to meet girls” will be a little test to check the sincerity of your declarations so pay close attention. Nevertheless, there can also be other events in which the test will not be so obvious. The following example will show how:

You know that your little adorable sister is looking for True-Love. She has declared that numerous times and there is no doubt about what she wants. You, on the other hand, have only recently decided to believe in the existence of True-Love and for that end, you harness your maturity and your intellect which enable you to pace your path fast and steady and also to help your little sister and advise her whenever she asks. You have a friend whom you came to know not long ago. You like the guy and his virtues, and so you decided that he might be a good match for your sister. She meets him and there is nice chemistry in the air so they choose to go out on a date. When she comes back home you enthusiastically ask her to tell you how it was but she surprises you and says that she will not meet him again. “But why?” you cry, “he is so nice and there were good vibes between you two. Come’ on give it a chance, you never can know after one date!” Your little sister hesitantly looks at you, not knowing what to do. “Maybe”, she thinks, “you are indeed right and no one can be sure after just one date?

Now, let’s examine what was just happening here: that situation is, in fact, a double visit from the kingdom of love; the one for your sister was to check her will and how stable her emotional foundation is, to what extent she trusts her feelings. After all, she did feel that it wasn’t “it”; that the guy, charming and nice as he was, is not her True-Love. You, being her older sibling, did a very good job and managed to shake her confidence in her own feelings. Now she has to decide whose advice to follow: her own heart’s and feelings’ or yours that came as an authoritarian outside source.

Regarding yourself, the kingdom of love paid you a visit to check the level of your belief. Why, your sister told you that the guy was not her type and didn’t match her dream about TrueLove. Why, then, did you try to convince her? Do you question the power of the kingdom of love? Don’t you believe that if that guy is really your sister’s One, then the kingdom of love would find a magical and natural way to bring them together despite your sister’s allegedly mistake? If you doubt, then you have to work more on your beliefs.

Know that the heart’s emotional basis is a very powerful tool for making decisions. In blind dates and such you are always accompanied by the presence of the kingdom of love and its assistance is available for you. It looks into the future and corresponds with you through emotional messages. Therefore, your dates may be nice and cozy but if your feeling doesn’t exalt to bliss and excitement then it's not "it". Bless framework 2 and thank it for the message and its guidance for you. It is true that no one forces you to listen to that guidance and to act accordingly but why to waste your time? Why compromise for something you had already decided you would not want?

Has it ever happened to you that you had a wonderful date in which you enjoyed yourself tremendously in the company of a new person and really developed expectations for a future together only to receive a negative answer from your date once the evening ended?

Later, you questioned yourselves demanding to know what wrong did you do, why didn’t s/he like you?! You looked good, the atmosphere was romantic and friendly, you two laughed to each other’s jokes, you touched each other and enjoyed yourselves, so why were you rejected?! And the answer may be True-Love. The other side looks for TrueLove and during the date, they were receiving messages from the kingdom of love which took some time to sink in. S/He had enjoyed meeting you, they had learned a lot from you, but when the time to say goodbye came they could not lie to you (and themselves). By that s/he allowed you to continue on your own magnificent path towards your own TrueLove.

Indeed, the key of will demands much from you. Persistent and perseverance are key factors and once faithfully practiced will take you one big step closer to your goal.


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