#MemeWars Emergency Broadcast: Trump Dodges a Bullet from the Matrix

#MemeWars Emergency Broadcast: Trump Dodges a Bullet from the Matrix

meme wars trump.jpg

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RokFin: https://rokfin.com/post/182749/MemeWars-Emergency-Broadcast-Trump-Dodges-a-Bullet-from-the-Matrix

This is #MemeWars and we have an emergency Meme Gold Mine, with the failed attack on Neo I mean Donald Trump. The Agents from the Matrix tried to take out the meme king Donald but the Meme Gods were not having it. This show is the very best of the Donald Trump memes since the failed assassination attempt. Strap in and enjoy the meme machines.

All the show memes: @titusfrost/show-notes-memewars-emergency-broadcast-trump-dodges-a-bullet-from-the-matrix

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