The Importance of Memes

As an introduction I want to talk about the most important thing of our lives. I once thought about what could be the most imortant sentece of a year. For example if we think about the 2016. Was it “Donald Trump is going to be America's next president”? Or was it “The Oscar for the best performance by an actor in a leading role goes to Leonardo Dicaprio”? The latter with reasonable certainty not, but what was it? One of the most crucial sentences in 2016 was definitely “Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me”!

Yes, you heard correctly, today we are going to talk about these wonderful little pictures with a maximum resolution of your toasters LCD screen, flying around in an unknown dimension of the internet and their importance for the entire world. I mean who of you never heard “my name is jeff” or who did never laugh about a video in which randomly a roaring “John Cena” followed by a similar annoying saxophone music appeared? We all were at least once in contact with a meme. Even the mother of all Memes “That's what she said” was and  still is actually a Meme. And because of their excessive popularity in the internet, they have a so big influence on all people dealing with them. Since 2016 the word “Memes” is more often searched by Google than the word “Jesus”.

Memes are a completely new opportunity of communication and they are changing the global humor. People are claiming that every country has its own humor and that this could even locally differ. For example some say german jokes are not funny and that may be so, but those things definitely changed with the rise of Memes. More and more people are going to laugh about the same things and that is something positive. You could even go so far to call it a new language communicating with its own logic. That connects people all over the world and boosts global society. While uploading Memes nobody cares about who is going to see that, because they are jokes and people want to share them. So personal origin, race, age or religion does not matter while sending Memes, which means they support equality and tolerance. It's all about sending a funny message.And that leads to a new effect of Memes.

For the most of all people happiness is a daily life goal and it is one of the most motivational things you could have. If you are happy everything is easier. And what could change your mood more positively if not jokes you can laugh about? As you may have guessed apparently not much. If something could do this, it would with much certainty not be as easy to receive as Memes. Therefore Memes are increasing the quality of life. In a research the Stanford University found out that political Memes have a significantly larger impact on social media than ones from other categories. And that's a really important point too. Memes are pictures or messages, about which you can laugh, but they are still delivering something. That could be a hobby or an interest you have, but also serious problems. And through sharing those messages you will find people talking and arguing about the same things like you do. So do Memes also start globally relevant discussions and lead to solutions.  

Anyway, if you want to be a more positive person, to be informed about what is going on in the world, to make people laugh, if you want people to appreciate your creativity and if you want to enjoy life while doing that  join the party and become what the young generation calls a Meme Master.

Btw, because I am super famous, probably, here is my verification:  

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