The Cult that Collectively Controlled the State in stripping our freedoms!

Greywarden100 > The source of this image is found here >

Greywarden100 > The Collectivist Cultists had their way in 2020 as American History after the defeat of the Confederates has likely never seen more ignorant people bow to the collective and desire the Slavery of the Medical Socialist Syndicates that were funded and are controlled by the Government to further this joke on Americans. Individuals were accused of being a threat to others, even though that Violates Civil Rights Laws such as title 3 where blanket statements such as accusing someone of being a direct threat to the general Public, without the sworn testimony of a licensed physician under the penalty of perjury in court as proof, is an actual crime believe it or not.

Greywarden100 > Small businesses were crushed, as the socialist attempted to bring upon the individuals more and more state control of the economy by crushing small capitalist businesses, while allowing the Giant Syndicates to operate. The Socialist will blame all of the failures of their Socialist measures on the Judeo Capitalist and whatever, as they always do. However, for anyone who has a working pair of eyes, it is easy to see that it was Socialism to blame for 2020, 2021 and 2022. It was an attempt as i have said previously of bringing the economy under state control. State Control of the Economy is the highest form of Socialism which is > (Totalitarianism), or total control of the economy. It was not Capitalism which means individual control of the economy that caused the problems of 2020, 2021 and 2022.

Greywarden100 > It is obvious that private individual control of the economy (Capitalism), cannot have caused the problems we saw those years. For individuals in control of their own economy and fending for themselves makes the State Powerless. Private Control of the means of production is anti-state and thus cannot be the state simultaneously. But since most people do not know what Capitalism nor Socialism is. They are easily fooled by the Socialist that are in complete control of the Democratic Party, and have a history of having infiltrated the Republican Party as well. Utter ignorance has led us to what we are seeing today. It has become desirable for individuals to bow to the slavery of the collective and give up their individuality. Lets not fool ourselves. Both Parties want more and more state control. They are just doing it in different ways. Our Political System is corrupt to the core and none of these Politicians are willing to stand for Civil Rights Laws and the Constitution.


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