18 SBD - Meme4Life - CONTEST 🌀 Ś—Ś™


It's quite something to see and after several weeks it's still lit in my mind, so please help do something positive with the memory of this baby, who so clearly evinces both life, and it's unforgiving fragility. At only 10 weeks, he or she has already, literally saved at least 1 life, let that be just the beginning...

So, please make a meme with the following image;

For the purpose of Saving Lives, by:

1) Teaching people about the development of a fetus and just how far along it is after only 2.5 months. (Referring to even later stages, I've heard; "It's not a life yet." "It's just a bundle of cells." Or "It's just a clump of tissue.") It is not a criticism, but this means that many people simply don't know the truth.

and / or

2) In some way, to inspire women or couples who are currently, or may ever think of abortion, to find some reason to consider offering the baby for adoption as the superior alternative. 

You can be poetic, sweet, angry, factual, religious, tactful, or extremely direct, anything really, though there is no need to be gross or cruel. I don't really know how I'll judge because it's totally subjective, but I guess I will try to choose winners from any entries that move me somehow, or those I think will best achieve the goal. 

The awards will be:

1st place - 9 SBD

2nd place - 6 SBD

3rd place - 3 SBD

(Ś—Ś™ 18 SBD = Approx. $44 USD today.)

And G-d willing, will be paid sometime soon (within a day or two?) after this post closes in 7 days.**


  1. Create your own post and please link it here in the comments.
  2. Use "meme4life" as the first of your tags.
  3. Each person can have 3 entries. (Can be one post or a separate one for each.) (Can receive 1 prize.)
  4. ** Since there is a purpose here, there must be at least 10 people who enter the contest. If less than 10 enter, we will run Meme4Life again, and your previous week's entries will still count...

Here is some relevant information, some regarding the baby in the image, and that you are welcome to use in your Meme4Life. (You don't have to.)

  • The fetus is 10 weeks old, around 1.5 inches long, and appears (to me) to be held in someone's hand.
  • It is still in the amniotic sac, and still connected to it by the umbilical cord.
  • The info on wiki says that this case was a necessary therapeutic abortion. That the entire uterus was removed due to cancer in the mother, thus saving her life.
  • Otherwise, millions of medically unnecessary abortions are done well after this point of fetal development.
  • Huge numbers of parents wait on waiting lists, wishing to adopt.
  • At only 10 weeks, just as a mother begins to show, all major structures are already formed in the fetus. Looking closely, you can see many through the baby's fragile skin.
  • Useful for data: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prenatal_development

You can do something totally different, but here is an example.

I know it's a controversial subject and we're not trying to hurt anyone, but to B'Ez"H, help this baby help many others...

Also, thanks to a couple specific people, you know who you are...

(Original image from wiki.)

Thanks For Your Attention and Support!

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