MemeLogic - Gun Crime

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Some Perspective

What happened in Florida was completely disgusting and evil, my thought go to those families who has lost their loved ones.

The thing is, this is now the general theme when this happens, politicians are first on the news parroting their political party line. Which is that the government should impose stricter gun control laws, essentially asking that the evil acts of less than 0.1% affect everyone else. There are two points I would like to bring you attention to, which I find complexing.

The first point is that of the outcry from media and some political parties regarding the police, they are evil and racist and they should not have this power. Then at the same time they wants guns pretty much banned, thereby taking away the ability for citizens to protect themselves. So which is it? Either people have guns to protect themselves from everyone including the cops, which is the government, or only the government gets to have guns and protects everyone? You unfortunately can't have both.

"This battle for 'common-sense' gun control laws pits emotion and passion against logic and reason. All too often in such a contest, logic loses. So, expect more meaningless, if not harmful, 'gun control' legislation. Good news - if you're a crook." - Larry Elder

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Then point two is, let's compare America to say South Africa as a example.

In the States about 88% of people own guns, in SA only 2% of the population owns guns. Guns are really hard to get a hold of here and the laws make it next to impossible to do. Now let's compare gun death statistics, the USA has 7500 people killed by guns each year excluding suicides. Here in the rainbow nation 9800 people are killed guns each year, oh and I should probably mention that America has about 280 million more people than South Africa. Apart from being the rape capital of the world, South Africa has about 54 murders a day, and in 60% of those a gun was used, 95% of the time it was an illegal gun.

But some how it is going to work, maybe the problem is not the guns, but the people.

"Gun control means control. It means control for the government and the government starts controlling the people." - Luke Scott

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