YOU DECIDE: Steemit Meme Qaulity Ranking; Comparing Steemit Memes to Other Meme Sources

Hey everyone. So, there has been something that has been long overdue for Steemit, which is a Meme Quality ranking.


We all have our places that we acquire our memes. Some of those being good, others being shit. As you can see above, this is the official Meme-Nexus tier list for meme quality. Now you may ask on what makes a meme application/source higher or lower on the list. After talking with some friends, my girlfriend (I know, a memer having a hot girlfriend, what are the odds?), and others on multiple platforms, we constructed categories in which each meme source is rated from 1 to 10, which are the following:

Originality: The higher the score, the less reposts (AKA, memes that are original made by the poster) So a score of 1 would be nothing but reposts, and a score of ten meaning most, if not all, content on the platform is OC (original content).

Meme Quality: The higher the score, the more effort are put into the memes on the source, and the less shitposting there is. If the memes are stale, lazy, cringey, and/or not funny, the score is lowered.

Maturity: This is the measure of the overall maturity of the audience of the source. It is pretty self-explanatory.

Free Speech: The higher the score, the less memes are censored on the source, and the more free speech there is. It's always better to not have a source not ban a user or remove a meme just because some moderator/user found the meme "offensive".

Now I was originally going to decide this by myself, since I have been a highly active "memer" for about 6 years, made it to the front page on multiple platforms, and have had insight from those who also browse memes on steemit. HOWEVER, I want you, the people, to have a say in this as well.

So this is how it is going to work: Everyone comment on how they rank steemit in each of these 4 categories. Then, each comment is going to be combined to create the average score for each categories. The better each comment explains on their reasoning for each ranking, the higher their ranking is worth. In one week, the scores will be combined with mine to determine steemit's location on the chart previously shown.

So now you may be wondering my ranks I gave Steemit. Well, here it is:

Originality: 3/10

This pains me to say, but it is very rare to see any original content outside of contest submissions. In fact, at the time I am writing this, over half the meme tag page is filled with stolen memes.

There's even a watermark still there.

Meme Quality: 5/10

So how good are the memes that are not stolen? Well... its kinda a hit or miss. Unfortunately there's many old, cringey jokes that take only 30 seconds to come up with. I think the problem here is that there are ways of getting rewarded for doing that, so there is little incentive to make original content. The way other apps deal with this is by calling them out for stolen content or shitty memes and letting other users call them faggots or some shit. Here, people are generally nicer despite free speech being encouraged, because you aren't going to get rewarded for being a douchbag. But there's always a gem here and there among the shit within the meme tag, so it's not the worse.

Maturity: 8/10

Steem is good in the category since everyone here at least acts over the age of 15. The only reason the rank isn't higher is because of douchbags spamming generic "good post" comments in hopes of getting a valuable upvote. Just look at this:

It's all from the same fucking guy too, but he is definitely not the only one... there are many, many more. And trust me, you don't have to be on this platform for long to notice it.

Free Speech: 10/10

There's nothing much to say. You can be as much of a saint or douchbag you want. You can post any content, any meme, any political opinions, and much more without getting banned... #MAGA

So that being said, what is your rankings?


If you liked what you saw, like and subscribe. If not, don't, but you will be missing out on a lot of great content, cause I don't just spam stolen memes, I write full on articles regarding memes, and any memes that I post or are in any of my other blogs are either 100% original or used with permission. Here's a generic picture link to my channel:

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