Weekly meme dump

I stopped using the big boys as far as social media is concerned when things became way too political and everyone was at one another's throats constantly over the past 6 years or so. My life has been a lot more fulfilling because of it. I still check in every now and then so I can see if my distant cousins have had some more kids or something but I never comment and my page has zero pictures of me and is devoid of any real information about me. It was partly a move for additional privacy in my life and party because I was tired of the amount of time I was wasting participating in arguments with strangers.

These days, when I have some spare time or feel the need to screw around on my phone I go to one place only. 9gag.

This is where I get almost all of my current even information and although it does tend to get inundated with Russia/Ukraine and Depp/Heard propaganda, for the most part the "funny" section still has some good stuff in it.

Thousands of posts are made a day and there is no good reason to get permanently upset with anyone since almost everyone is totally anonymous anyway.

Here are the ones that caught my eye this week.


Tragically, some much older friends of mine made some mistakes in their financial planning for their retirement and had to go back to Australia to put the pieces back together and one of them rejoined the workforce. She wasn't thrilled about this but didn't have a choice. They planned their retirement terribly wrong and are running out of money 20 years too early.

She got a job back at her old company but her skills are a bit outdated. I found this meme and sent it to her and she got a laugh out of it. I feel as though when I eventually join the western workforce that this is going to be the same story for me.


If you know anything about me you know that I have a massive attachment to my dog, Nadi. She's been the only consistency in my life for the past 8 years and it doesn't matter if I leave the house for 4 minutes or 4 hours, the reaction when I open the door to my apartment is the same: Absolute glee! I return the love of course and I think this is one of the truly awesome things about dogs. All they want is to be with you.


I have a Danish friend here that was in the military years ago. I don't know if Denmark has actually fought anyone but now he has a pretty great pension from the 18 years of mostly non-combat oriented service. I joke with him about how his military isn't real and every now and then things like this pop up. He has a sense of humor about it.


Not a funny meme but just an amazing one. I didn't think it could possible be true but it is. Here is an NPR article about her if you want to check yourself. Joy's unique gift has been instrumental in scientists working on ways of detection of the disease.


As an American, if you move overseas to most of the world you can expect some criticism for your country's sports of choice. This is mostly good-natured and if you don't have thin skin it can be a lot of fun. The above meme for the most part is true though. The sports that USA is best at such as American football doesn't have much of a following or participation anywhere outside of North America.


I suppose you would have to be familiar with Rick and Morty to understand this one but basically the dialogue that takes place in this scene is Rick finds Morty at school and tells him he needs him for a mission. Rick promises it will be fast and says "quick adventure, in and out, 20 minutes tops." It ends up taking 6 days and they both nearly die.

This is how it always is when a friend asks me to go get "a beer or two." Over the years I seem to have developed an incapability of having a few and I always end up getting drunk and ruining the next day. It's a problem with me and my only choice in the matter is really to just not go at all. I believe it is called "alcoholism."


Paparazzi loves to take unflattering pictures of celebrities. This one made me feel good because its nice to see that these guys can get a gut as well. It's not just us normal people. Tweets are generally frowned upon by a lot of the 9gag userbase but since I don't use Twitter. I don't mind people keeping me updated about some of the funny ones.


This last one is a bit tragic but in light of a recent health scare with Nadi (my dog) it has kind of opened my eyes to the fact that I need to start mentally preparing myself for the fact that she is going to die a long time before I do. I need to embrace her mortality and just enjoy the time that I have with her because while it is still at least a few years off, there will be a day that every day is a day where I come home and she isn't here - and that is something that is really sad to me.

Sorry to end on a downer but that's all I got for now. If you have any memes to share back I would like to see them! They can be serious or funny, but I'd rather they not be political.

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