Let me introduce myself

Hello everyone,
even I join here in May my inactivity makes me newbie :)
So, my name is Magdalena and i live in Croatia all my life.
I am creative since i can remeber. I like to painting and making some stuff. However, My heart has chosen photography, and I follow my heart. Except that i love children, animals, nature and people who know what humanity and kindness is.
The most important beings in my life is my family, my little nephew and my black poodle Bella. My close friends are important too like some people that i met on social netwoorks similar to this one. I hope I will met some new great people here and taht all together will have a lots of fun :)1240612_10207245756975094_4110063160251343603_n.jpg

I appreciate your visit and support. Thank you in advance.
P.S. Ignore my imperfect English ;)

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