My First Steemit Meet and Greet Experience

Hello Fellow Steemians! I would like to share my experience during the first Steemit meet-up!

I am hesitant at first since I only knew @honeyletsgo in the group but when I thought of the learning I will miss today, I decided to give it a try. I am glad, I stepped outside from my cocoon. Being an introvert, it's not easy for me to mingle to people whom I didn’t know for a long time but hooray! It turns out to be an overwhelming experience!

The meet up was held in Marisse Patisserie Café located at 32 Sanson Road, Lahug.


Sometimes, I think I am only the person in the room who’s shy but there are also a lot of people who is timid to say the first hello just like me. I just realized, we are all the same human being breathing on earth, the same people who have 24 hours a day to spend, and in the same community whose goal to help one another through Steemit. I felt intimidated at first but thanks to my new company @johnrel,@iamwhatiamnot. Apologies, I forgot the username of the others . I will take note next meet up :)

Shy pose of @johnrel (ahahha mauwaw daw sha besh)

I was able to meet the lady with blue hair who stands out @pizzanizza, the inspirational writers @bellatravelph @ybanezkim26 @thegaillery, @ninyea. Everyone is approachable and very accommodating. Thank you!



I am looking forward for the next meet up, no time wasted today!.
Truly, as what Paolo Coelho quoted on his book The Alchemist “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
Success is a process. It is not an instant game of life. We get discourage YES! when no one upvote us, but we can't expect the seed we plant to grow if we keep on digging every time. There will be sprout of hope in time, lets be patient and keep on sowing!

I encourage all newbies just like me to join next meetup, lets learn and have fun together! Cheers for prosperity ahead of us! Godbless!!

Until next time,

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