#Kems : Meetup KSI Chapter Gayo, Indonesia - 10 & 11 March, 2018


Some meetups have been conducted by the Indonesian Steemit Community (KSI) and have been divided into several Chapters. Some time ago Chapter Bireuen, East Aceh, Bandung and Bogor have implemented the agenda. This time, this agenda has implemented in Central Aceh, precisely in Takengen city. At this event, the first inauguration and meetup were held in Gayo land. This chapter is called KSI Chapter Gayo which represents from several regions such as Takengon, Bener Meriah, Kutacane and Blang Kejeren.

KSI Chapter Gayo Meetup event is held by @mahlizarsafdi aka @lingkargayo and supported by @razack-pulo and @bahagia-arbi and held on 10 & 11 March 2018. Previously, this Meetup agenda has been in sounding in post and some community WA groups and by chance, Mahlizar as Chairman of KSI Chapter Gayo is also a member of Chapter Banda Aceh group. He called for invitations distributed via group and also posts. But some friends from Banda Aceh can not attend because there is one thing or another.

That day arrived. Saturday, March 10, 2018 is the day where the meetup event took place, one by one friends who came from other regions were present. Before the event began, some of the Steemian were seen installing a backdrop on the front page of the building where the event took place.


At 14.30 WIB, the event was started by presenting the Indonesian curator and several speakers who attended the meetup event. One by one the speakers introduced themselves and recounted the first time they were present at Steemit after it was greeted with question and answer by the attendees.

However, that time is very short. Finally the event closed as the usual event we attend the picture together by all participants who attended. Feeling warm intimacy in this cold city. As the day grew dimmer and near dark, the event was later concluded by Chairman of KSI Chapter Gayo and we were invited to go to the inn which has been provided directly adjacent beside lake Lut Tawar. This villa named "Mahkota Raja" is in the area of ​​Kebayakan and all participants from outside the area stay there.


Beberapa Meetup telah dilakukan oleh Komunitas Steemit Indonesia (KSI) dan telah terbagi dalam beberapa Chapter. Beberapa waktu yang lalu Chapter Bireuen, Aceh Timur, Bandung dan Bogor telah melaksanakan agenda tersebut. Kali ini, halatan tersebut kembali dilaksanakan di Aceh Tengah, tepatnya di kota Takengen. Pada acara kali ini, pengukuhan serta Meetup yang pertama kali di adakan di tanah gayo. Chapter ini diberinama KSI Chapter Gayo yang mewakili dari beberapa daerah seperti Takengon, Bener Meriah, Kutacane dan Blang Kejeren.


Acara Meetup KSI Chapter Gayo ini di ketuai oleh @mahlizarsafdi a.k.a @lingkargayo dan di support oleh bang @razack-pulo serta bang @bahagia-arby dan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 10 & 11 Maret 2018. Sebelumnya, agenda Meetup ini telah di sounding di postingan dan beberapa grup WA komunitas dan secara kebetulan, Mahlizar selaku Ketua KSI Chapter Gayo juga merupakan salah satu anggota di grup WA Chapter Banda Aceh. Ia menyerukan lewat undangan yang disebarkan via grup dan juga postingan. Namun beberapa teman dari Banda Aceh tidak dapat hadir karena ada satu dan lain hal.

Hari itu pun tiba. Sabtu, 10 maret 2018 merupakan hari dimana acara meetup dilangsungkan, satu per satu teman yang berasal dari daerah lain pun hadir. Sebelum acara dimulai, beberapa dari Steemian tampak sedang memasang backdrop di halaman depan gedung tempat acara dilangsungkan.


Tepat pada pukul 14.30 WIB, acara pun dimulai dengan menghadirkan kurator Indonesia dan beberapa pembicara yang hadir pada acara meetup tersebut. Satu per satu para pembicara memperkenalkan diri dan berkisah saat pertama kali hadir di Steemit setelah itu disambut dengan tanya jawab oleh para peserta yang hadir.

Namun, karena waktu yang sangat singkat akhirnya acara tersebut ditutup selayaknya acara yang biasa kita hadiri yaitu foto bersama oleh seluruh peserta yang hadir. Terasa hawa keakraban yang hangat di kota yang dingin ini. Karena hari pun semakin surut dan hampir gelap, acara tersebut kemudian disudahi oleh Ketua KSI Chapter Gayo dan kami dipersilahkan untuk menuju ke penginapan yang telah di sediakan langsung berdekatan dipinggiran danau Lut Tawar. Villa ini bernama "Mahkota Raja" berada di daerah Kebayakan dan seluruh peserta dari luar daerah menginap disana.


Keynote Speakers :

Indonesian Curator's

@levycore & @aiqabrago

Gaming Curator


Steemian's From Indonesian Steemit Community

@kemal13, @zainalbakri, @ayijufridar, @abduhawab, @razack-pulo, @bahagia-arbi

Bagaimana suasana di Villa Mahkota Raja ? Nantikan coretan berikutnya. ByeBye !!

Jangan Lupa Bahagia



Kemal13 - KSI Chapter Banda Aceh

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