Secrets of success


success is an attitude which comes from hard work. When you take lots of efforts and time to achieve your goal then the success is in your hand. Tough situation comes in every field of life and you need skills to handle them.Here are some ingredient of success.

Skill in action: The whole essence of Bhagwad Geeta (ancient Indian scripture) is to act without being attached to the fruit of action. If you can indulge your mind in any situation and manage it according to it like war. This skill is called Yoga. Yoga transforms one frok arrogance to self confidence, from thw burden of dependence to the realization of independence. Don’t think of the end result, just give your 100% sincerity.

Be a lion: Have a dream and confidence but not with extreme excitement. In sanskrit there is a saying that,” Great wealth comes to one who has the courage of a lion and who puts all his efforts while doing any work.” Have a confidence and sense of majesty of a lion, give your 100% efforts with courage and then is when wealth comes to you.

An atom of luck: Many of the people think that by putting our full efforts in our work we do not become prosperous? This area which we dont’t know, is what spirituality is about. The whole materialistic world, is run by a certain vibrational world which is subtler than what we see. Spirituality enhances Intelligence and intuition. Intuition comes to yoy when you balance your passion with dispassion; profit with service; aggressiveness to get things, with a compassion to give back to the society. Intuition is the right thought at the right time and it is an important component for success in bussiness.

Meditation: Meditation not only relieves you of stress and strain, it also enhances your abilities, strengthens your nervous system and mind, releases toxins from body and enhances you in every way, increases your energy level. With high energy level you can do the job easily.

Most importantly, the sign of success is a smile and confidence. If these two are there in your life, then you have found success.

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