Cube Technology

Background Story

Recently a well connected friend has referred me to this cube. The story goes that we were at a powerful activation event, involving several meditations. During this event the information came that I specifically had this 'cube technology', which has a specific purpose inside our consciousness.

It's a holographic technology, working on the same principles as chakras and meridians, the Mer Ka Ba, and any other visualized meditation technique.

To be sure, this is going well beyond the normal scope of things, so if you're getting a strong resistance then feel free to tag out now before I go in deep with what I have learned by meditating on this cube.


Cube Holographic Technology

Structural Fundamentals

The basis of the cube is the single point (1st dimension), from that point we create lines between points. These lines expand out into the 2nd dimension creating flat shapes. These are the square sides of the cube, individual planes.

The 2nd dimensional aspect relates to our way of recording information, writing (spells). Symbols, sigils and glyphs have a huge impact on our 3d and 4d experience, they are a condensed 2d representation of higher dimensions. The message in this instance is about how we can affect the higher dimensions, and connect to them even from lower dimensions. We must understand that this is possible and in fact continually happening. Becoming stronger in this knowing will allow us to do it more consciously and to perceive it.

The cube is a 3rd dimensional shape, but by rotating it in place the corner points will eventually cover all of the points to turn it into a 4th dimensional sphere. It takes time and rotations for the cube to come into the sphere, the 4th dimension is characterized with the fixation on time. This 4th dimensional sphere represents our current challenge, the sphere also represents the planet earth. We are pushing our energies up from the 3rd and 4th dimensions into the 5th dimension which goes beyond time and separation.

With continued attention the sphere and cube then begin to do strange things which are less able to be explained logically. Observing the cube form, we see that the outside corner fluctuates between pointing in and out as we focus on it. The barrier between inside and outside starts to blur as it pushes in and out, or flips back and forth. Also in order to reach the sphere state the cube has to 'speed up' and spin incredibly fast. We could say that in a quantum kind of way it's not actually moving at all, it actually exists at all of its possible rotational points at once. These potentials are always both occurring and not occurring at all times.

This is being stepped up into the 5th dimension by being at all places at once and embodying all of the potentials of it's current shape. Similarly this cube is being stepped down from higher dimensions with intention and light from those states of experience.

The cube is a metaphor for the inter-dimensional link that we must pursue in order to evolve our consciousness. It proves that the dimensions are sympathetic to each other, which we know strongly between the 2nd and 3rd dimensions, through writing and representations. We are starting to experience up into the 5th dimension as we turn our non-linear experiences into information that can be understood in a linear fashion.

We can see the cube as a map or a library as well, it conveys higher information into a format that we can understand and explore mentally. This is helpful for the human being because we are more able to trust things that have a logical basis in our current way of understanding.


Meditation Sequence on The Cube

Part One - Foundation

  • Begin by bringing yourself into a relaxed state with the eyes closed, and focussing on your breathing. Do this for at least five minutes, until you feel relaxed and the mind is more open and quiet.

  • Heart Focus, continue focussing on your breath and bring your awareness to the centre of your chest. Feel around and notice the sensation here, establish a tactile or feeling sense of inhabiting this region.

  • From the heart focus, we move to imagining a cylinder of light and bring it into your central spinal column. It can start about the width of a a drink bottle. Extend this cylinder down the central column into the deep earth - as far as your imagination will go. Keeping that connection then extend the cylinder up into the high heavens as far as you can mange. Maintain that sense of this long column of light in your centre which is reaching both up and down. Now expand the column so that it is wide enough to encompass your whole body. Stay here for a moment.


Part Two - Activating the Cube

  • Now shift your attention to imagining the shape of the cube, you can release your focus on the cylinder. If it helps your can internally set the intention for that field to continue operating as your explore the cube. Imagine the cube and play around with it, rotating it and exploring it's capacity to move from a single point, to a square, and then a cube, then up into a sphere. Nudge it with gentle intentions and let it respond. Remain open and allow the conversation to open up.

  • take that cube/sphere shape it bring it inside of you, placing an appropriately sized cube into the base of your skull. Now find an intuitive method to activate the cube. For me I began to hum tones to myself, I also brought energy up the central column from the base of my spine, up through the heart and down the top of the head. Play around until you have the sense that the cube is buzzing or humming, you may notice some physical sign or shift in your body when the cube is activated. I haven't tried this personally, but I suspect imagining the form of a living or ascended master would activate the cube as well.

  • Link the activated cube to the third eye and imagine it being projected out into your minds eye. You are now seeing the holographic projection of the cube being played out. There are several possibilities from here. You might start to get a 'read out' of information in languages that you probably can't understand, my sense was that path wasn't particularly useful for me personally. Another possibility is a kind of wave/sound monitor, where we go back into toning to gauge the energetic feedback of the tones to formulate a sequence.

Just let it do what it wants, it might be something completely different and unexpected. If nothing much happens then follow the further step which I describe below.


Part Three, Exploration and Conversation with The Cube

Having established the holographic projection previously described this is the path I spontaneously took.

First I imagined a person or event that made me feel really good, and connected that back into the heart energy. Think of that person, which for me was an individual and also a cat that had walked up to me today to sit on my lap. Holding the image of that person look into their eyes. This is all still within the holographic projection of the sphere. Look into their eyes and then stay very open and relaxed. You will either start to be drawn into the eye by zooming in or you will feel the urge to expand outward by zooming out.

This zoom in and zoom out is on the basis of the sphere. Go with it and allow yourself to be zoomed in and out, rapidly changing size. It forms a kind of loop of perception, becoming very large and small incredibly fast in either direction. Coming back to that person and their eye, going in and out of it, expanding out into the galaxy until you become inconceivably large, or reducing down to an atom to become incredibly small. The timing of it may seem to speed up and slow down randomly, and you can play with your ability to control this. Explore it, follow it, allow it.

Allow any guides, spirits, animals to assist you. I was guided by an eagle and we proceeded on a short journey from there. The information that comes through will be specific to you. It might not logically make sense, and there is also no need to share this information unless you feel the urge to do so.


Much Love Dear Readers. Let me know how you go and if this seems to work. Ultimately it's our own experience which decides how real and useful something is.

Balance Peace Spaciousness Gratitude

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