Lost Wisdom | Healing the Womb Connection


Today, right now, many women in the world are told and taught by their loved ones that the natural process of the their bodies to ovulate and bleed is inconvenient, unpure and in some cases outright shameful.

Worldwide we see severe lack of education and resources to support young women in connecting with this aspect of their biology and the way it relates to the greater cosmos. Women experience bullying and shaming which creates confusion and builds resentment against their own bodies. Religious and cultural beliefs prevent women from speaking out or finding new ways. In the Western world, we see the pharmaceutical industry stepping in to completely eradicate the menstruation process from existence. 

There is a lot of pain and confusion for women as they have no basis for understanding the rhythm of their bodies. Yet, so much of what we experience is affected by this part of ourselves, and women are constantly confronted by the perpetual cycle of our bodies which have the Need to create and then to release and let go.  

The woman's body is the gateway to All human Life on Earth! 

There is a reason why we bleed in tune with the Moon's 28 day cycle

This cycle breaks down into 4 weeks where our bodies goes through various hormonal changes each week, each phase requiring attention to unique details and aspects of our emotional and spiritual bodies. 

All of this happens for the purpose of creating an egg which will be well nourished and strong in case of fertilization so that the seedling may grow into a healthy baby, or to shed that egg and continue the cycle over again.

This is the primal force of all Creative energy given to humankind, the power to Create! 


In many cultures throughout time, women have been forced to practice seclusion during menstruation. 

This includes preventing menstruating women from touching food, from eating, from entering religious ceremonies, from saying prayers, from touching altar items or items of worship, from watering plants, from washing their own hair, from sleeping in the same bed or room as their own husband.

There are various reasons that this custom developed throughout time and various societal structures, and even today we see these customs are still enforced by religious sects throughout the world. 

This kind of subjugation creates the worst kind of confusion and manipulation in a woman's psyche. Women are indoctrinated into the structures and society's they exist within so deeply they believe themselves to truly be unworthy and impure. The women enforce this judgement upon themselves and upon each other, because they are treated so poorly and given so little support, education and resources, they have no other way to see the situation until someone shows them somethings new. 


It is time now for woman to rise and Remember how to live in tune with the natural cycles, to take back our Power and help restore balance to Humanity.

Most of these symptoms are consider to be "normal" menstruation symptoms, yet there is nothing normal about any of this: 

  • Depression, anger, irritability, emotional highs and lows, anxiety, trouble concentrating, withdraw from Loved Ones 
  • Painful cramps, heavy bleeding with clumping, headaches, bloating, weight changes, breast pains, Unstable sex drive, food cravings, addictions, acne, constipation, diarrhea, painful bowel movements, and so much more.

If you are a woman and you are feeling ANY of these conditions, it is highly likely that it is related to instability in your reproductive system due to diet, use of birth control/hormone altering, use of toxic coated tampons and pads, unsafe sex and simply improper understanding of your menstrual cycle. 

I want to encourage All women to take time to educate yourself and empower yourself to CHANGE the paradigm that you have been living in and find out the TRUTH about your own body!

Please reach out to me if there is anyway I can help you or support you and I will do whatever I can.

Please continue to follow as I share more about the lost wisdom of our womb cycles and our connection to the Earth and Cosmos. 


Womb Meditation and Prayer

Use with the Intention to bring Healing Light and Awareness to your personal womb space

Try reading the meditation through first, and then sit with yourself in quiet visualization 

~try holding a crystal in your hand to deepen healing

sit crossed legged 

take some deep breaths, fully filling your lungs, and slowly emptying them out several times until you feel clear

make a specific prayer or intention for your Womb ceremony

center your awareness in your Heart first, breath into the Heart a couple times

move your awareness down into your Womb space, in the lower abdomen just below the belly button

place your hands palm up, and cup them together at the base of your womb space

see a Light hovering above your palms, just in front of your womb space

feel the Light, allow it to get bigger and bigger, experiment to see if you can move it with your hands

once you really feel the Light, ask it to enter into your Womb and wash you with healing energy

invite the Light energy throughout your entire body temple, Honoring your own intentions and comfortability

give thanks to the Light of the Universe which is Universal Healing Love available to All

sit in Wonder and  for as long as you would like, take note of any feelings, images and ideas that arise in you

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