Meditation story no.1 - The story of a joyfull butterfly!

To start this journey with me, take a moment to sit on your chair with your spine straight, long neck and breath slowly, 4 seconds on the inhale 1 - 2- 3- 4, and 4 seconds on the exhale 1- 2- 3- 4.

One more breath
Inhale 1 - 2 - 3 - 4- .
Exhale 1- -2- -3- -4- .

Continue breathing slowly, calmly and deeply.
Focus on your breath. Feel the air entering through your nostrils, going into your lungs, filling your lungs. Your rib cage opens, you also feel your ribs making more space between them.

As you exhale release, the tension in your body. Visualize tension and pain released from your body like colourfull balloons going up in the sky.

All your tension is released now.


All the things you don't need anymore are released right now: And you can name them if you want: stress, tension in the shoulders, sadness, too much joy :P ...

Breath deeply and calmly.

Start focusing on your sacrum bone. Draw the sacrum bone with an imaginary pencil, see its shape and colours.

And breathe...
...feel your tailbone strong. Acknowledge the importance of this bone:

  • it's called the sacrum bone because it represents your base, the base of your spine.

And breathe...
-through your sacrum bone travel the nerves from your lumbar area towards your legs. Through your sacrum bone travels the sciatic nerve which needs your care and attention. Visualise all these nerves passing through the eighth holes of the sacrum bone.


And breathe deeply.

As you inhale, feel the breath bringing new air into your body.
As you exhale, feel the breath clearing the old air from your body.

Inhale, feel the breath bringing new energy into your body.
Exhale, feel the breath clearing old energy from your body.

Continue doing this for three more breaths.
Inhale - new air, new energy.
Exhale - old air, old energy.

Inhale - take in the new,
Exhale - release the old.

As you breathe deeply, you can see /imagine your sacrum bone transforming into a beautiful butterfly. Look at this butterfly very closely and draw its wings with your favourite colours. Put different shades of colours. Feel the wings of the butterfly soft and sensitive. So soft and still so strong.

Take a deeper breath.
And now your butterfly starts to open his wings.
He starts to move his wings and fly away.
Keep reading my words and imagine a butterfly in the air, having a blast! He is happy. He dances in the air. He enjoys his wings and he moves with ease.

You feel the joy and excitement of the butterfly as if you are the butterfly itself!

And you keep flying with your colourfull wings, happy and excited.
You meet other butterflies and you dance altogether.

You are a butterfly and you dance freely, happily ...

For the next 3 breaths, as you dance, I suggest you close your eyes!

Great. Well done.
And now, continue breathing slowly, and bring the butterfly back into your sacrum bone.

A happy butterfly is sitting on your sacrum bone.

This joyful butterfly becomes your sacrum bone.

Very well. Amazing.
Now, you can close your eyes and breathe slowly 3 deep breaths.

Thank you for reading this!
Say thank you to yourself for doing this!

Have a joyful day!

*the pictures form this articles are from

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