Let Me Massage Your Soul With My Love

Tranquility in green meadow.

I’d like you to imagine that you have closed your eyes as you read these words, and just picture yourself as the embodiment of tranquility. Because you deserve some quiet time and a bit of tranquil space for yourself, your thoughts, to refocus. Just listen to the silence as your mind just wanders to wherever it may go. And hear my soothing voice caress your ears.

Breathe in.
You are amazing.
Breathe out.

Remember that when you stop for just a few moments, you allow your mind to recharge and to reset its concentration so you can then continue to be efficient. Remember this when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Breathe in deeply.
You are powerful.
Breathe out.

That’s right. You have all the power to achieve your goals, to address your hurts and heal them. You have all the power to take back control of your life, because ultimately this is your life and you are the master of your universe.

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