New skill💉

Catheterization of the jugular vein is an obligatory skill of the anesthesiologist. Yesterday I was taught to carry out this procedure under the control of the ultrasound machine. I am very glad that I learned to do this, because the risk of complications is reduced by 15%, this is a very good indicator.


The jugular vein is catheterized when the patient after the operation should be in the intensive care unit. This large vein is very convenient for transfusion of blood, solutions, parenteral nutrition.

Catheterization of the jugular vein is an unsafe procedure. The jugular vein goes in the neck as a part of the neurovascular bundle, and next to it pass the carotid artery and the wandering nerve. Accidental puncture of the carotid artery will be prone to the formation of a huge hematoma (bruise), and if the patient has problems with the coagulating system - this can be fatal. Nerve damage can cause severe pain.


During the training, I needed to remember not only anatomy and physiology, but also geometry in order to correctly determine the place of needle pricking.


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