Ephebophilia Isn't Pedophilia! It's Not Even A Psychiatric Disorder

Taylorjamesphoto is the author of this picture/Source:  Pixabay

1.  Introduction

Once upon a time there was this one man named Brett who was well beyond high-school age. He came across this one YouTube channel of a beautiful 17-year-old girl who wanted to be a model. He posted a comment about it, complimenting that she looked as sophisticated as a Scandinavian model for a renowned magazine. He never made any lewd or suggestive remarks in his post.

Then, lo and behold, this old sack of potatoes that wouldn’t even qualify to be a woman posted a reply to him, stating that his comment was creepy and that he sounded like an old man in his post. He had no profile picture in his avatar that would indicate how old he really was; and even if he had been old, it is not as though he was this hag’s carnal property for her to chastise him over what she believed to be right and wrong.

Brett noticed that beautiful women over 40 years old seldom ever engaged in the same kind of behavior that this dried-up hag did. Why? It is probably because middle-aged and even older women who still have their good looks don’t have the same insecurities as this dried-up sack of potatoes does that would drive them into behaving like such a frustrated, old harpy.

Brett didn’t owe this hag any explanation. He owed her nothing. He told this hag to get lost in his reply post. Then he blocked her on YouTube, which was the best course of action that he could have ever taken. He found her to be creepy, because she became overly insecure about a young woman who was almost at the minimum legal voting age.

Furthermore, why was this hag there on that same YouTube channel in the first place? She certainly wasn't there to police that YouTube channel. I honestly don't think that she cared about that 17-year-old girl who owned the YouTube channel. Was this hag some kind of deviant lesbian who liked stalking young women and girls? Nothing would have surprised me about her, because these self-righteous do-gooders like her seldom ever practice what they preach.

The point of this true story is that Brett is not a pedophile nor has ever been one. A 17-year-old girl is a far cry from a defenseless, little toddler who is vulnerable to some wacko snatching her from a playground. However, the dried-up sack of potatoes that I described in his story somehow believed that she knew best and that her perspectives trumped everyone else’s ones.

It is funny how someone like this dried-up sack of potatoes with an obvious low level of self-esteem can develop such an inflated ego. It's as though she believes that she can somehow wave a magic wand and change your average man into a pervert merely because she wants him to be one to make herself feel like some kind of hero or something in her own deluded mind.

Herein I am going to be brutally candid about the topic of ephebophilia. Ephebophilia is not pedophilia. It doesn’t even come close to being pedophilia. No discussion has even been presented to the American Psychiatric Association (“A. P. A.”) to reclassify it as a paraphilia or some other psychiatric disorder. Therefore, it remains to be nothing more than a social construct to this very day.

When an adult man over 21 years of age is sexually attracted to a girl who is between 15 and 19 years of age and noticeably younger than him, which best describes ephebophilia, his behavior and conduct are equally as normative as that of a man his age who only pursues relationships with women his own age, period. No legitimate psychiatrist or other mental-health professional would diagnose this man with any kind of adverse chronophilia or the likes.

Now, if you want to know what the definition of hebephilia is, you can find out by reading Jason B Truth's article titled "Will Hebephilia Ever Be Reclassified as a Psychiatric Disorder?," and it will give you the full heads-up. Herein I'm only going to be elaborating on the what ephebophilia is.

2.  The Neuroticism Of Men-Hating Pseudo-Feminists

There are men-hating pseudo-feminists who actually want to raise the statutory age of consent to 25 years old in every jurisdiction of the United States of America. Wouldn't every pedophile in our nation just love something like that to happen. Why? The police forces across our nation would be spread so thinly in their efforts to enforce these Puritanical laws that they wouldn't have time to keep tabs on every child molester on the sex-offender registry. Pedophiles would be getting away with kidnapping small children and raping them left and right.

It goes to show you how warped men-hating pseudo-feminists are in their judgment of situations involving men their age. Whenever you hear a woman over 40 years old refer to men in their forties or fifties as "old men" upon talking about these men being with younger women, you know that these women have to be men-hating pseudo-feminists. Such was the impression that YouTuber Black Macho gave me about her in her video below.

YouTuber Black Macho Is Clueless About The True Definition of Ephebophilia

YouTuber Black Macho begins her above video with the usual unjustified pervert-shaming of which most men-hating pseudo-feminists take a predilection. YouTuber Black Macho? Men your age do know that they’re your age. They simply don’t wish to put up with your bickering, your attitude, and your unrealistic expectations of them. Younger women, on the other hand, will appreciate them for who they are.

YouTuber Black Macho? Your use of words like “old ass” to describe men your age is very offensive. You talk as though they’re in their nineties. Oprah Winfrey once stated on her television talk show that in Japan, one is considered to be a kid until they’re 52 years of age. The title of your video is even deceiving.

YouTuber Black Macho? Who are you to tell men your age that they cannot date women under 25 years old? I’m sure that you don’t have any problem with cougars your age running around with college boys. Self-righteous do-gooders like you seldom ever practice what you preach. I don’t want to hear any propaganda from you about how the brain doesn’t fully mature until 25 years of age, because that piece of junk science has been debunked.

YouTuber Black Macho? The only thing you’re doing that men over 40 are getting disgusted with is that you’re copping an attitude about something of which you don’t have a full command of the facts. You’re living in a delusion that you’re this glowing beauty queen that every man wants, but, in reality, you have tattoos on your fingers. Men don’t like that, and it shows how clueless you are about what men really desire.

Oh, wow. Here we go again with some men-hating pseudo-feminist in the form of YouTuber Black Macho throwing her famous “grooming” agenda at every adult man in the universe. That word has been so ambiguously defined through the years, I don’t see how anyone can take it seriously at this point in time. Perhaps these men that you so hate, YouTuber Black Macho, would like for a younger woman to groom them.

Now, notice how furtively YouTuber Black Macho shifts her conversation from the topic of middle-aged men having May-September relationships with young, adult women to middle-aged men preying upon small children. The major problem I am having with this dragon lady is that she is conflating small children with adolescent girls, which is probably the most ruthless and intellectually bankrupt tactic that these men-hating pseudo-feminists like to use.

YouTuber Black Macho claims that if men her age could go younger than college-age girls, they would do so. Hmmm, YouTuber Black Macho? I don’t see you complaining about Brigitte Macron. I have no complaints about French First Lady Macron myself. However, whatever is good enough for a woman YouTuber Black Macho's age should be good enough for a man her age as well.

Yes, YouTuber Black Macho, I’m sure that if a man your age smiled at a 17-year-old girl, you would simply enjoy seeing her father beat the crap out of him. Well, let me ask you this question, YouTuber Black Macho. If you had a 15-year-old son, which you probably do, and he got a 13- or 14-year-old girl pregnant, would you enjoy seeing that young girl’s father beat the crap out of him? You probably wouldn’t; but, then again, if the young girl’s father decided to behave toward your son in a civil manner and tried to talk with you about how he is going to take responsibility for his actions, you’d be protesting and saying, “Why is it always the boy’s fault?” as most middle-aged women like you do in that event.

If Todd Palin had found out right away that Levi Johnston had raped his daughter, Bristol Palin, when she was only 16 years old, he would have likely either beaten the crap out of him or laid him into the ground with a rifle. Because Sarah Palin was the Governor of Alaska back then, she would have likely granted Todd Palin a full gubernatorial pardon so that he wouldn’t have to spend any time behind bars afterwards.

Then men-hating pseudo-feminists would be throwing a pity party for Levi Johnston and accusing Todd Palin of being politically incorrect in his actions merely because Levi Johnston was the same age as his daughter. Whenever men-hating pseudo-feminists like YouTuber Black Macho find out that a 14- or 15-year-old girl has married a significantly older man anywhere in the world, they get all riled up about it. However, whenever their own 15-year-old son goes around, getting every 12-year-old girl in sight pregnant, they expect society to take it with a grain of salt.

It’s this great American double standard that men-hating pseudo-feminists shove down the throats of everyone in our nation. They think that they can never be wrong about anything they throw at us no matter how hateful and mendacious it is.

And, no, YouTuber Black Macho! None of these men that you so hate and deride are going to go to a shrink merely because you think they should. The approval rating of psychiatrists here in the United States is at an all-time low of 38 percent.

YouTuber Black Macho? What makes you think that any middle-aged man who is in love with a young woman or even an adolescent girl would want to share the intimate details of his personal life with a complete stranger to address a mental illness that he does not even have?

YouTuber Black Macho? You want to know why a man your age would date a teenage girl? It’s likely because he’s in love with her or at least interested in her. Perhaps he didn’t experience that one first love that every glamor boy like Tony Danza and Macauley Culkin always brags about in television interviews. Whether or not he and that young girl are in two different stages of their lives mentally is completely irrelevant.

The heart does what it wants rather than what society wants it to do or what men-hating pseudo-feminists like YouTuber Black Macho want it to do. American men are simply not interested in being absorbed into YouTuber Black Macho’s make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection.

Anyone can see that this woman is mentally unhinged herself. Therefore, like the typical sociopath that most men-hating pseudo-feminists are, she has this propensity to believe that anyone who disagrees with her or goes against her so-called code of conduct is in serious need of professional help. Oh, brother. You only have to look at an older video of this same woman to realize that she likes to degrade men any way she can, especially ones her age.

YouTuber Black Macho Talks Trash About Men Her Age

YouTuber Black Macho? Who is not afraid to grow old? Alzheimer's disease and dementia are eating elderly people alive psychologically, and many elderly people's quality of life are plummeting quickly all at once. Also, I've never heard of any man ejaculating dust. Where did you get that in your twisted mind, YouTuber Black Macho?

After watching YouTuber Black Macho's video above through and through, I can frankly say to her that if women her age don't want men their age, then the feeling is mutual. There is this one YouTuber named Joker who has what is called the Better Bachelor channel. I feel tempted to bring the two above videos from YouTuber Black Macho to his attention. I know that he would shout both of her videos down as aggressively as he could, and I'd want to see that video of his once he was to release it.

Now, none of us men have to take YouTuber Black Macho seriously if we don't wish to do so. Her YouTube videos do not get that many views, and she is not a major icon on YouTube. However, we must keep in mind that these men-hating pseudo-feminists can pose a danger to society once they get into public offices, which they have. They are even more dangerous when they are in positions of power and influence, especially in a medical capacity.

Cathy Cassidy proclaims herself to be a clinical forensic therapist. That's interesting. She insists that ephebophilia is a form of pedophilia. The fact there that she doesn't adhere to the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ("DSM-5") should set enough alarms off in your head that she cannot be trusted to provide treatment to mental-health patients.

Ms. Cassidy is trying to play God in redefining ephebophilia into something that it is not, which is pedophilia. Below is her video.

Cathy Cassidy's Medical License Should Be Revoked

The A. P. A. has never even entertained the notion of reclassifying ephebophilia as a paraphilia or psychiatric disorder. It has never associated it with pedophilia. So, where is this woman coming up with all this junk science of hers to conflate ebephophilia with pedophilia?

Ms. Cassidy cites examples of male patients of hers who have had confrontations with the law regarding the statutory-age-of-consent laws in which their "victims" were teenage girls. However, that has nothing to do with pedophilia. All she proves in her video is that she is your typical psycho-shrink whore to the system and nothing more.

I do find it interesting that Ms. Cassidy claims that the average profile of an ephebophile is a married man rather than a loner. Usually these self-styled "experts" will pick on the most vulnerable members of the male adult population to make their so-called examples.

My main counterpoint to her is that if she believes that all ephebophiles are pedophiles, then she is the one attempting to normalize pedophilia rather than me inasmuch as 18- and 19-year-old women are included in the age pole to which ephebophiles are attracted; and because these women are technically adults, then Ms. Cassidy is actually presenting an argument that benign, harmless forms of pedophilia do exist. Of course, you know and I know that pedophiles can and do pose a danger to society. Therefore, Ms. Cassidy could not be correct in any of her assertions.

The only thing that Ms. Cassidy proves is that the man she's describing is a violent rapist who targets adolescent girls and nothing more. He has no sexual interest in pre-pubescent children. Therefore, he could not be a pedophile despite how awful of a person he is.

Ms. Cassidy did present a story that was somewhat of a soap-opera drama. She didn't explain whether the pornographic photographs that this patient of hers got caught with were of adolescent girls or pre-pubescent girls. Unless there were sexually explicit photographs of naked pre-pubescent girls on this man's computer, he would not qualify to be a pedophile.

Many YouTubers in Ms. Cassidy's video's comments section gave her pushback in that they questioned why she refused to adhere to the definition of pedophilia as explained in the DSM-5. Most of the people who posted in her comments section didn't seem at all impressed with her. At one point, she got on the defensive with some of them and made a snide remark at one of the YouTubers, but she never really backed up her points with any scientific facts.

Ms. Cassidy used sensationalism to promote her bogus school of thought. Yes, it is horrible that a middle-aged man forcibly raped a 14- or 15-year-old girl. However, if it had been that man's teenage son who had raped that girl, would Ms. Cassidy have accused him of being a pedophile?

No mental-health professional can just pick and choose subjectively who they want to be a pedophile and who they don't. There are guidelines for diagnosing it, and Ms. Cassidy clearly does not follow them.

Ms. Cassidy attempts to mislead her audience to believe that there is no difference between an adult man falling in love with a 15- or 16-year-old girl and an elderly man kidnapping and raping a 5-year-old girl. At the same time, she tries to brainwash her fans into believing that all of teenage girls' problems should be blamed on older men.

Ms. Cassidy? When John Walsh met his wife, Revé Walsh, and started dating her, he was comfortably in his twenties and Revé was only 16 years old. Does that make John Walsh a pedophile? For you to make that same claim would be kind of like accusing Reverend Al Sharpton of aspiring to become the next president of the Ku Klux Klan. It wouldn't make any sense.

Ephebophilia clearly has nothing to do with pedophilia, and like Dr. Ray Blanchard, Ms. Cassidy is plainly another troublemaker surfacing from the debris of our nation's already-broken mental-health profession. She is doing more harm than good to society. What she is suggesting is equally as ridiculous as claiming that all 7-year-old girls fantasize about being raped. She makes no sense at all.

When the late Dr. Richard von Krafft-Ebing conceptualized pedophilia back in 1886, he had to have known that he was opening the door to charlatans and spin doctors like Cathy Cassidy to come out of the woodwork in later years. This man should have been dumped into a sea full of sharks in 1885, because he did more harm than good to the world; and he was no better of a person than the late Dr. Alfred Charles Kinsey.

There was one YouTuber who goes by the user name of SaturnineXTS and whose post in the comments section of Ms. Cassidy's above video really caught my eye. YouTuber SaturnineXTS post reads:

Violent rape is always a horrible thing, especially on young teens who are even more fragile (not even gonna bring children into this, goes without saying). But people in the US are generally way too hard on statutory rapists of older teens - something that gets you labeled a predator and charged in the US has no consequences at all in Europe, since our age of consent laws tend to be 15 to 16. That's kinda why it's much less satisfying to watch American "pedo hunters" who usually catch people trying to hook up with 15-17 year olds. European hunters on the other hand tend to catch the really dangerous types who've engaged in hideous conversations (with wording I'd cringe to use even towards an adult woman) with kids aged 8-11. Let's stop pretending something like this is an equivalent offense and comparably harmful to having the sweets for someone almost legal, that's just my opinion tho

This man (or woman) would make a better clinical forensic therapist than Ms. Cassidy. To say the least, that is.

If Dr. Ray Blanchard failed to convince the A. P. A. to reclassify hebephilia as a paraphilia in the DSM-5 back in 2013, where does Ms. Cassidy get off on taking writer's license with the definition of ephebophilia and conflating it with pedophilia? Ephebophilia falls under the protective umbrella of chronoastiphilia and is no more a paraphilia than teleiophilia.

I would not doubt that Ms. Cassidy was probably within that legion of charlatans who backed up Dr. Blanchard's failed efforts to reclassify hebephilia as a paraphilia and to integrate it with pedophilia in the DSM-5 back in 2013. It is good that Dr. Blanchard didn't have his way in that respect, because he probably would have attempted to do the same with ephebophilia.

When the day comes that someone slaps Ms. Cassidy with a defamation-of-character lawsuit and attempts to have her medical license revoked, she will open her eyes and realize that fabricating misinformation only to drum up business for herself really wasn't worth the fall. People like her are their own worst enemy.

When I was working at the front desk of a social services agency so many years ago, there was this one supervisor named Thelma. She was in her thirties. She and her husband were 16 years old when they got married.

A 60-year-old man came up to our receptions window with his 17-year-old wife. The man was somewhat overly subconscious in my presence. I don't know why he was, because I showed him the utmost respect. In any event, after he and his wife left the window and went off with their case worker, Thelma stressed how she disapproved of this same marriage. I said to her, "Live and let live" and that every married couple could not be high-school sweethearts like her and her husband.

The elephant in the room here is that Thelma and her husband got to experience the beauty of falling in love for the very first time as adolescents and experiencing that fresh new feeling of sharing a relationship with each other. It could have been that the 60-year-old man lost out on that one part of his life and that he was cheated out of his youth. His 17-year-old wife obviously allowed him to fill in that one void in his life of perhaps having missed out on that first-love experience.

People who experience first love in their teenage years and even marry their high-school sweetheart simply don't understand what other people who don't get that same benefit in life go through. Then these prima donnas of society expect everyone to cater to their ridiculously high standards. However, Mother Nature has a way of telling those less fortunate than them that societal elites in the ways of romance are not always right about everything.

My question is how would any of the above-aforementioned women (YouTuber Black Macho, Cathy Cassidy, and Thelma) have any idea what goes on in the average man's mind if none of them have ever walked in our shoes? It's as though American women have this unrealistic expectation of how a man should be. The world would be a disaster if men were to cater to their demands in that regard.

3.  A Litmus Test Of True Masculine Nature

I'm going to do something that I have never done in any of my previous articles. I'm going to take my points to a new extreme to support my stance on this topic.

There is no diagnosis for ephebophilia listed in the DSM-5, because ephebophiles have nothing psychiatrically wrong with them. Well, I'm going to prove it herein.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, ephebophiles are adults who are sexually attracted to adolescent girls between 15 and 19 years of age. Now if you watch the video below, you'll notice that one girl is 17 years old and the other one is 19 years old. Not only men in their late teens to early twenties would find them appealing, but even men older than that would take notice of them.

Two Teenage Girls Flaunt Off Their Genetic Gifts

Now, if you're a man, ask yourself this question. If you were a 21-year-old man checking in at the front desk at your community pool and these two girls were lifeguards there at the front desk assisting you, you know that you would probably have a friendly conversation with them and there would be a number of smiles exchanged between you and them.

These girls are not much younger than a 21-year-old man, so nobody would question such interaction. Now, if you were 31 years old or 41 years old, and these girls smiled at you and paid attention to you, you would likely still warm up to them regardless of what society may have to say about it. Of course, if you were young-looking for your age, nobody would likely still question your interaction with them.

Anyone can see that these two teenage girls are well beyond the crayons-and-playground phase of their lives. They have pretty blond hair. They have a dimple in their chins. They're full-figured women. There is no reason that any man, young or old, would not find these girls to be stunningly hot. There is simply no pedophilia happening here regardless of what Ms. Cassidy and all the other men-hating pseudo-feminists and their mangina allies have to say about it.

One girl is legally above the statutory age of consent in every U.S. jurisdiction, and the other one is deemed to be a consenting adult in most state jurisdictions of the United States. Over in Europe, these girls are above the statutory age of consent everywhere in that continent.

The only way a normal man, young or old, could not find these two girls to be attractive, especially in their bikinis, would be if that man was gay. I don't care if he were 59 or 69 years old. Mother Nature would disallow for any heterosexual man of any age to ignore these girls' physiques.

These two girls' video do not come up in pedophiles' thumbnails on YouTube. To a real pedophile, these two girls would look like old women ready for the rocking chair, because pedophiles don't see girls and women the same way that other men do.

Now comes the bad news. If you're a man in your late thirties or older, don't get your hopes up too high of ever landing a date with either one of these girls. There's always that one possibility that some 20-year-old hulk with curly hair will mesmerize one of these girl by flaunting off his set of muscles to them. At the same time, don't feel guilty if one of these girls do agree to go out with you on a date and you both have a good time with each other.

Now, I'm going to show you another video. This time you try to guess how old the three girls are in the video below.

These Three Girls Could Never Be Mistaken For Toddlers In Spite Of Society's Misconceptions About Childhood Vs. Adolescence

Watch the video once again and take notice of the blond-haired girl at the far right during the first couple of minutes of the video. She's the one with the large, black bow around her neck.

Anyone can clearly see that this same girl doesn't play with Tonka toys anymore and that she has likely not watched a Saturday morning cartoon in nearly half a decade. This same girl has more cleavage and a better physique than some women I know in their mid-twenties. This girl is every definition of a full-figured woman regardless of what society may have to say about when childhood ends.

How old is this girl? Well, I can tell you that the girl in the middle who is right next to her is only 14 years old. Therefore, it is highly possible that the one at the far right is either 14 or 15 years old. Now, I know what some of you are going to say. That is, if she's only 14 years old, wouldn't that fact put an adult man in the hebephile category for admiring her? Not necessarily.

The very first time that I looked up the definition of ephebophilia over a decade ago, the Wikipedia indicated that it was an adult man's attraction to an adolescent between 14 and 19 years of age who was five years their junior. There were a number of medical journals published online that claimed that a 14-year-old girl was too old to be a victim of pedophilia.

Nevertheless, this same young girl in the video above is equally appealing to adult men as she is to boys her own age. Any adult woman who pervert-shames a man for finding this young girl to be attractive is only showing how insecure she is with her own appearance and lack of sex appeal to men her own age.

If there is such a thing as reincarnation, every adult man looking at this young girl probably wishes they could have a girlfriend like her when they reach their adolescent years in that other life after this one. Regardless of how old any man is who finds this girl to be beautiful, one remark that he will never make to this girl in the event that he meets her is, "Oh, you're such an adorable little girl."

It's like when Brooke Shields modeled Calvin Klein jeans back when she was this same girl's age, she wasn't looking to get a role or a part in an episode of Sesame Street or Captain Kangaroo or some other television show for little kids. She was showing the world what she had, and she knew that her sexy body was going to pave the way for her to star in major motion pictures.

4.  The Downside Of American Teenage Girls And American Women In General

Now, I'm going to take this article here of mine in a slightly different direction. Watch the video below.

A 16-Year-Old Girl Asks Men Not To "Creep" On Her, So To Speak

Most unfortunately, women in the millennial generation and Gen Z girls in their teenage years have been indoctrinated and even brainwashed from early childhood into believing that every piece of pedophile-panic propaganda is true. It also does not help whenever a pedophile-panic fanatic like Cathy Cassidy misuses her profession as a clinical forensic therapist to misguide the public into believing that ephebophilia is a subset of pedophilia, when, in fact, it is not.

My response to Hailey Spesia in the video above is that if she has so much of a problem modeling bikinis in front of male YouTube viewers who are beyond their teenage years, then she should take this video of hers down. Otherwise, she has no right to complain about it, because she has to know that her admirers are not all high-school boys; and even if they aren't, it doesn't make them creeps or creepers.

Hailey stresses that she is only 16 years old. And?!!! She has obviously been indoctrinated to believe that older men are to blame for all teenage girls’ problems. She’s like one of those 16-year-old girls with a 17-year-old social degenerate for a boyfriend who probably beats on her regularly and she somehow believes that she is so much better off than any girl her own age who has a boyfriend who is older than what society may approve of.

I'm not here to insult Hailey, but I don't feel that any man over 21 years old should feel even one iota of guilt for watching her model bikinis. If anyone believes that such a man is a pedophile for doing so, then I guess the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children should be shut down inasmuch as its co-founder, John Walsh, was an adult man comfortably in his twenties when he first became involved with his wife, who then was only 16 years old like Hailey.

I mean, it would mean that the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children was a product of a pedophile's idea. For that matter, Reverend Jesse Jackson might as well be hanging out and chilling with the Aryan Brotherhood, because it would be equally as ludicrous.

The posts that appear in this same video's comments section are as intellectually bankrupt as you could probably expect. This one YouTuber who goes by the user name of silentassailant4288 was hovering around, harrasing every male YouTuber who posted a compliment to this girl. In one post, he tells this man to "get help." Does he actually believe that any stranger is going to go to a psychiatrist based upon his antagonism? These pedophile-panic fanatics get stupider every year.

Anyhow, in response to Hailey's comment at the beginning of her video, let me just say that one never knows what goes through the mind of an American teenage girl. It's like this one time that I saw this one 15-year-old girl smile and dance in front of Barry Manilow on television during a Fourth-of-July fireworks special and she looked as though she wanted to have his baby. This same girl probably would have told a man in his forties to go fly a kite if he offered to drive her to school one morning when she was walking to school.

YouTuber Tori Asisse took this same deception even further than Hailey did and insisted that this one older man who was hovering near her and her boyfriend was a pedophile, even though she was 18 years old. The man was probably socially awkward and nostalgic and had no intentions of harming her. You can read about this story in Jason B Truth's article tiled "Eighteen-Year-Old Women Are Not Little Girls."

I once saw this one television show in which this one 30-something-year-old man admitted that he had dated 16- and 17-year-old girls down in Mexico and that they had no problem with his age, because they were not snobby like American girls that age. Teenage girls in Russia also usually warm up to men in their thirties and even older. However, their reasons for doing so are different from teenage girls in Mexico.

Russian men look 20 or 30 years older than their real age, because alcoholism among men in that nation is a major problem. Therefore, American men look 20 to 30 years younger than they really are to Russian teenage girls. For that reason, it's not unusual for even American middle-aged men to marry 16-year-old Russian girls or even ones as young as 14 years old depending on which jurisdiction of that nation they decide to get married in.

You don't have the stuck-up attitudes among teenage girls in Mexico and Russia that you do among the ones in the United States. Men-hating pseudo-feminists genuinely want men to suffer here in the United States, and they will do anything to destroy us if it means going as far as recruiting young girls into their circles to join them in their efforts.

5.  A Moment Of Enlightenment

Americans are only beginning to wise up against all the pedophile-panic propaganda that wrongfully conflates ephebophilia with pedophilia. A Quora forum on the topic demonstrates that same positive trend that has been long overdue for years in the form of certain comments.

The main question in that same forum read, "Why do people act like ephebophilia and pedophilia are the same thing, when they are different (one is, in my opinion, far worse)?" Therein Brenda Izquierdo stated:

Because people want to treat teenagers like they’re still children and assume they’re not as different as a the small preteen children who hasn’t reach puberty yet. All just because just like preteens, they’re still minors who are are not allowed to have sex yet. Which is just stupid honestly because pedophilia has NOTHING to do with the law and it probably NEVER did to even begin it.

Therein Ned Harrison stated:

Because they are ignorant of the former term, and the definition of the latter one. They think being attracted to anyone below the age of consent is “pedophilia”.

Therein John M stated:

Ephebophilia is not even bad and is not even wrong. It is normal natural and ok and it is part of evolution. Ephebophilia is the sexual attraction to postpubescent teens. Teens that are past puberty. People aged 15 to 19. It is normal natural and ok to be attracted to people that are postpubescent teens and it is normal natural and ok to have sex with postpubescent teens. Paedophilia is wrong unnatural and goes against nature and evolution because prepubescents have not started puberty and are not ready to have sex and are not ready to reproduce.

I applaud all the responses above in the Quora forum. Now here I present to you the biggest dunce in the crowd of individuals who attempted to conflate pedophilia with ephebophilia. His name is Jamie Klein. Therein he stated:

Because they kind of are the same. Ephebophiles just want to look normal and separate from Pedophiles. But them thinking they are normal makes them an even bigger threat to youth.

Jamie? You strike me as another deadbeat teenage father who wishes to blame all of teenage girls' problem on older men only to make yourself look like a better person than you could ever be. You probably cheered on Levi Johnston when he was getting away with all the injustices that he was committing against Bristol Palin. It only goes to prove that when you were in high school, teenage girls were so much better off with significantly older boyfriends than with a jerk like you.

The other answers that were similar to that of Jamie Klein only demonstrated how the 14-percent illiteracy rate here in the United States is hurting the American people's ability to apply critical thinking to these situations. An ephebophile can never be anything like a pedophile no matter which way you stretch it.

It is laughable that the above-aforementioned question was actually addressed to a ChatGPT. What could artificial intelligence possibly know about human behavior and human emotions and the likes, if it has never lived a human life?

The mere fact that this crazy contraption actually recommended that any adult who was an ephebophile get help from a mental-health professional validates my stance that artificial intelligence is becoming way too dangerous for us to continue to incorporate it into our daily lives. It even has an overly Puritanical moral compass, which is not good for society, especially American society.

I don't think that a 33-year-old man who is dating a 19-year-old needs therapy for his attraction to her. It gets one to suspect that perhaps artificial intelligence is planning on taking over the mental-health profession in the not-too-distant future. Wow. Won't our entire planet be headed for disaster if such a possibility ever materializes.

I have to question whether a ChatGPT would consider ephebophilia to be a certifiable inclination over in Europe where a 15-year-old girl is considered to be a consenting adult just about everywhere. Once robots replace entire prison staffs in penal facilities throughout our nation, the way our criminal system works from that point on will become very interesting.

Serhiy Lvivsky is the author of this photograph/Source:  Free Photos.bix

6.   Final Thoughts

It is concerning how mainstream Americans will go as far as accusing a man over 30 years old of being no different from a child molester for merely falling in love with a 19-year-old woman only because his sexual attraction to her falls within the realms of ephebophilia, but so many of these same mainstream Americans don't seem to have any problem with men in their forties, fifties, or even sixties brutally raping an 18- or 19-year-old inmate in a correctional facility. Something there simply doesn't fit the picture right.

Self-styled mental-health professionals like Cathy Cassidy get dollar signs in their eyes very easily when they are able to conflate ephebophilia with pedophilia and fool the public into believing that a 35-year-old who falls in love with a 19-year-old woman is no different from an 81-year-old man who lures a 5-year-old girl into his vehicle to do the unconscionable to her. This is rogue psychology, and it is dangerous.

What comes to mind in this event is that there are mental-health professionals diagnosing patients with "high-functioning anxiety" and luring them into seeking treatment from them for it, even though such a mental ailment does not appear in the DSM-5. Asperger's Syndrome fraud has become like a cult among mental-health professionals and even governmental officials.

Medical malpractice in the mental-health profession has become an epidemic in the United States, which could explain why the approval rating for psychiatrists is at only 38 percent. If you read Jason B Truth's article titled "Welcome to the Mental-Health Profession's Hall of Shame," you'll find that my point about mental-health professionals' lack of trustworthiness is well-supported by facts.

The United States of America is gradually turning into a Fascist totalitarian police state right under our very noses, and many of us don't even realize it. Every time juvenile-justice-related issues become entangled with the social fabric of a powerful society, our planet usually finds itself on the cusp of another world war.

In 1914, a minor shot and killed Archduke Ferdinand and his wife, Sophia. Shortly thereafter, World War I erupted. After Adolf Hitler came into power in Germany and Hitler Youth came to fruition, World War II broke out not too long thereafter.

Now there are corrupt and unscrupulous mental-health professionals who are taking it upon themselves to take writer's license with the definition of pedophilia and completely disregard its true definition in the DSM-5. Men-hating pseudo-feminists are on board with this dangerous trend in that they love to degrade men and cause their demise in one way or another. Shanley Kane thinks that adult men who fall in love with 19-year-old women are pedophiles and child rapists.

Online vigilante groups who idolize Chris Hansen are gradually evolving into domestic terrorist organizations. Stupid Americans are relying on hardened criminals to teach them moral values. Our nation is more screwed up than it has ever been merely because we have to devote ourselves to following societal norms religiously that have long outlived their purposes.

How can we deny that our planet may be on the brink of World War III? Americans want to control everything on Earth, but other nations won't have it.

Let's wake up and look at what's going on around us, and let's stop relying on the mainstream media for accurate information. They're only in the business to acquire high Neilsen ratings. Stop taking everything you read and hear at face value, and do your research. It could save our country from total collapse and our world from global warfare.

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