How to Roll a Joint (Marijuana/weed/Ganja )

roll_joint_5.jpg1. The Mix
The Marijuana mix is perhaps the most important part of the joint.

Make sure the consistency is even. Remove any lumps or woody bits.

If you are rolling a pure-weed joint, make sure your material is absolutely dry.

  1. Shape
    The shape of the joint is determined by how you distribute the mix over the papers. Use long papers.

Most Joints are cone-shaped. Cones tend to smoke more smoothly than straight joints but are slightly harder to roll.

  1. The Roach or ‘Filter’
    Joints usually don’t have a filter like a filter cigarette does. A Joint filter is more like a mouth piece.

Joint Filters are made of cardboard. Cut an apprx. 2.2 x 0.7 Inch (5.5 x 1.7 cm) piece of thin cardboard and roll it up tightly.

Insert it at the left of your mix.

  1. Roll it

roll_joint_5.jpgThis can be the tricky part. Pick everything up and start rolling gentle in the middle, rolling outward.

Let your thumbs do most of the work and give support and pressure with your forefingers.

You should start to feel the mix firming inside the paper.

  1. Seal it

roll_joint_4.jpgWhen you have an even consistency, tuck down the facing paper edge with the tips of your thumbs, wrap the excess paper around the joint, wet the glue and seal that baby.

  1. Smoke it

roll_joint_6.jpgThe best joints are firm but not so tight you have to bust a lung drawing smoke.

Loose joints taste rough, burn too fast and have a nasty habit of setting fire to clothing and furniture.

The above texts and graphics have been taken from “The Joint rolling Handbook”. Copyright Bobcat.

Bobcat has a range of great joint rolling books available on amazon. If you would like to learn how to roll even most exotic joints like “The Windmill”, check out his books on amazon.

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