Vedic TURIYA Meditation - A Direct Link To Activate Your Akashic DNA

TURIYA meditation stems from the quantum healing of the ancient Vedas, which is more than 10,000 years old.

Advaita Vedanta, the path of the Vedas, symbolizes the path of the highest knowledge - the path of non-duality. Non-duality is the state of pure consciousness, where the division into good and bad (duality) ceases.

When a person begins with meditation, he/she receives a personalized “link”. Link is calculated by the Guru through Vedic karma astrology - the eyes of the Vedas (by using the personal datas of the beginner). This energy link connects the consciousness of the person - the student - with the source. This initiates the healing of the individual consciousness, with the energy code that caused the incarnation of the person.


Art: Alexander Groseth

As the Guru connects the individual consciousness with his own source, he initiates the download of the Akashic data - the data of our past lives, including the information codes for the activating of the healing layer of DNA. This initiates the self-healing of the person (individual consciousness) in the subtle body (quantum body), which purifies the energetic body (chakra system, blockades) and the physical body, and thus the diseases, by regular meditation.

  • GURU (GUR-darkness, RU-contrast) - someone who eliminates darkness.


Our quantum fields are 8 meters wide. The quantum bodies of the Guru and the student are intertwined. As they come into contact with each other, it becomes possible to transfer information from the quantum field of the healer (Guru) to the student. In this transfer, informations are transmitted, the self-healing energy package is transferred to the quantum body of the student in a timeless quantum way. The Guru get the information from the students DNA about what they need.


Art: Salviadroid

Our DNA is made up of 12 layers, 12 intertwined energies. One of them is a healing layer of DNA (which Kryon calls the 9th healing layer of DNA) contains information that we can use to consciously heal ourselves.

The part of DNA that humanity has known so far is linear (3D). This is the part that today’s medicine use for healing. The other 90% can only be activated with multidimensional energies. TURIYA meditation activates these energies. This means that this meditation activates the other 90% of the DNA.

Today's medical medicine consists of throwing chemicals into other chemicals in a linear chemical reaction, which triggers a chemical reaction. In a multidimensional case, in meditation, subtle informations are transmitted.

The strongest energy available for multidimensional DNA is the human consciousness. Your sacred consciousness is located in your DNA field. Your consciousness is able to talk to the cellular structure of your own body on a daily basis. This can strengthen your immune systems and destroy diseases, as the energy of human consciousness is really just “information-transmitting” energy. It sends instructions to your bodies for change.

These are energy information gateways to the multidimensional conscious parts of DNA. They help the to body heal itself by setting its own instructions for its own chemistry, instead of an external substance exploding everything as if the body were ignorant and helpless.


Art: Govardhan

5 years of regular practice of meditation results in 10 years of biological rejuvenation, 5 months - 10 months of rejuvenation. The regularly reset of the nervous systems leads to biological rejuvenation. A 50-year-old man has a gray-brain state like a 25-year-old if he meditates regularly.

This meditation cleanses the pineal gland, the third eye, which is responsible for the production of serotonin and oxytocin. It also brings coherence (perfect cooperation) between the two hemispheres of the brain. Intellect and intuition work together in harmony. Usually the left is used - intelligence-thinking (intuition- “the voice of the heart, the inner voice”). The life will become more and more intuitive, we will rely more and more on our intuition.

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