Why cannabis prohibition monopoly disguised as legalization is a hidden form of genocide in Canada is by global contracts

![Purplekush_ColvilleKaren.jpeg]( Purple Poinsetta not poison.
Cannabis prohibition legalization is a Government controlled corruption, a deceptive monopoly disguised as legalization in Canada as an emerging lawful Billion dollar industry with global stock trade and is controlled by inside trading investment. The world cannabis prohibition continues to arrest people for possession many use cannabis for medical reasons only and the Police State gets more and more military donations in equipment and funding to enforce fines and potential arrests on cannabis users for decades. The United States Private Prison system makes a profit on victim less crimes of cannabis users even when cannabis is legal in many States. Addiction is also profitable. Where is humane health treatment when addiction takes place. North America is long oppressed with cannabis legalization happening right when the US dollar is set to collapse, the US dollar is not backed by gold, Canada sold it's gold shares in the 1980s, Cannabis is the new gold, not oil sands and pipelines, or Nuclear energy. This is why a global treaties monopoly was created as the Petro dollar will be extinct and replaced by renewable energy. Libertarians and Anarchists have long figured this one out.
Libertarian activist in the USA, Peter Mc Williams a Government cannabis patient, Author, became vocal as a Libertarian patient and then was imprisoned and left to die in prison , he choked on his own vomit."McWilliams owns Prelude Press in Los Angeles and is the author of bestselling books such as Life 101 and Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do. He was working on a book about medical marijuana, when agents searched his home and seized his computer and files in December 1997, shortly after he published a full page ad in Variety magazine criticizing the DEA (see "DEA Raids Home of Medical Marijuana Writer," NewsBriefs, January 1998)."

 The Drug war has always been against  humanity itself and against human consciousness with propaganda and continued civil forfeiture another form of theft. CBD is also known to help emotional and neurological diseases, and is still on the schedule the same as Heroine.

Propaganda is a Government write off ,so is the brain washing of the war against drugs.
Licensed Producers pay close to $100,000 for a license, create cannabis that is exported to other countries supply and then leave contaminated cannabis many containing low quality stems and seeds,and burns really terrible grown with Pesticides the Monsanto of cannabis. Patients even the very few whom are prescribed by a Doctor are left to turn to dispensaries for help and the illicit black market. There are patients whom do not get access or in a timely manner and die as a result the cannabis health care system access is intentionally flawed and any positive changes to protect the health and well being was all court ordered at every level of Courts the Supreme Court of Canada. Craft growers in British Columbia as in Northern California, have supplied medical patients cannabis organically grown. and without pesticides. The Government has not ever belonged in the cannabis business. North America has been oppressed when it comes to cannabis research, Israel continues to lead in medical research. Germany is second collaborating with other countries in research. Holland more noted for it's cafe system is still illegal on a federal level to present.
Licensed producers contracted with Governments will get Government subsidies to turn out low quality medicine for the increasing demand and write it off. Big Pharma companies attempt to patent a plant to increase stock investment. One lab is experimenting with Ecoli to being out cannabanoids, this is dangerous that released to any patients.
This is not in the interests of public safety or protecting children. Children also become seriously ill and without access to organically produced medicine, the outcome is another form of genocide, children suffer with epilepsy, Cancer. The price for organic medicine is over priced causing more financial pressure on families.
I was just imagining what it will be like, people buying or trading organic quality medicine with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.Will this action drive the price of cannabis down? It is a case for decriminalization, this does not happen, only in a handful of countries.
Legalization will not deter organized crime in fact in encourages a black market. Legalization will not protect children from 12 onward from getting access, it may make children want it more to experiment and that it's legal than it is safe, regulations only promote harsh penalties to keep making money, cannabis education is very important in public schools as Jeff Berwick calls public schools Government indoctrination camps, without the lies and propaganda to keep it real. CBD is non psychoactive, and takes down the psychoactive high and will be proven to protect their developing brains with responsible use. Most young folks end up ingesting too much at once and getting sick as a result green outs and going to hospital, more sleep it off.
Prohibition is beyond shameful and so corrupt, that is challenging to get a humane approach, the price needs to be lowered and all families need an education when it comes to cannabis use either medical or recreational with proper beneficial decision making. That families had better relationships, were not exposed to poverty and the prohibiton model, better nutrition then a lot of these society ills would be prevented. Cannabis has helped families around the world escape poverty to pay for housing, education, nutrition.
Governments are more interested in the profitable aspect then the actual public health and safety with the control of the population by bringing harm to users and some are killed rather than protecting the rights of their constituents. The best quality medicine is reserved for the private sector. Cannabis was intended as a powerful and sacred medicine to heal humanity, it needs way more respect and micro dosing with responsible use, more people being able to grow it for themselves and loved ones or a trusted designated grower as a nutritional staple for prevention and health coverage and for users to be able to get the medicine into their systems without abusing their in take can save lives and contribute to society with much better use as a resource then Government corporate monopolies of misinformation. Craft cannabis is an industry that has earned respect , saved and restored many lives ,regardless of the legal status.

The Author is a medical student of cannabis and is writing from experience within the emerging cannabis system in Canada with a Canadian perspective, Libertarian view point.

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