📮[BIG ANN] Introducing MediBloc’s very first application, ‘YOL’

MediBloc team proudly presents our very first mobile application, ‘YOL’!


YOL is a medicine management application where users can take pictures of their prescription, upload them, and take the medicine as instructed. To encourage healthy behaviors, users will be incentivized to encourage healthy behaviors while doing so.

Prescription is a data we get every time we have a doctor’s appointment. YOL will be the place you can upload and manage your prescriptions, and the most suitable and perfect application of MediBloc’s blockchain!

Users of YOL will receive MEDX as an incentive for providing their medical data and experience the data flow of MediBloc’s ecosystem.

After installing YOL and verifying themselves, users can take pictures of their prescriptions and upload them to the app. Once the authenticity of the prescriptions is proved, users will be reward for providing medical data.

Through YOL, users can directly upload and manage their prescriptions within the app, monetize their medical data, exchange their data with third parties including pharmaceuticals and insurance companies, and increase their wellness by following the medication counseling.


In addition, prescription data uploaded in patients’ YOL app will be recorded as hash value on MediBloc blockchain platform. The medical history information recorded in the blockchain will provide a network that demonstrates the integrity of the data and allow data buyers to purchase reliable medical information directly from the owners.

With that being said, we now invite you to participate in private beta test of YOL! You will have the firsthand experience of our YOL app and receive MEDX in return. If you’re interested, please sign up through the link. Your chance of being selected will increase if you refer the link to your friends and create posts about how excited you are about MediBloc’s first application! Please note that we are running the test in Korea only with Android users. (iOS will be available for official release of the app)

Sign up here: https://yol.medibloc.org/

MediBloc team will continue to develop B2C services and applications that allow patients to record and manage their own medical data in the most convenient and safe manners.

Thank you,
MediBloc team

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