My Design for BandZ


What is BandZ?

Imagine being able to trade bandwidth/Internet just like any other cryptocurrency.
BandZ is a P2P extranet infrastructure protocol designed to serve a global market of smart devices. BandZ aims to redistribute the internet via decentralizing bandwidth access. BandZ enables users to share the bandwidth/internet services via blockchain technology.


BandZ will give users the power to choose.

By sharing your internet, you can earn BandZ. These BandZ tokens can than be used to purchase internet/bandwidth and enterprise-grade security services from others peers on the network. This creates a free market in the truest and most liquid sense, where users can manage their internet use and pricing as the optimal equilibrium would dictate.

More Information & Resources:

• BandZ Website
• BandZ WhitePaper
• BandZ Telegram
• BandZ Medium
• BandZ Twitter
• BandZ Reddit
• BandZ Linkedin

I choose graphic design because graphic design is the ability that I have. For me graphic design is very fun.

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