Just a thought: Media Control

Hi folks,

As I sit on my computer trying to jot down arguments against computers being a blessing, a sense of irony slowly begins to sink in.Saying that using computers is atrocious and then using the very thing you stand against, seventeen hours a day, isn't changing anything.What's true is true- the omnipotent master has become the subservient slave. Isn't it ironic how the thing that man conceived to optimize his domain has put shackles around him and made him it's slave till the end if time?Isn't it ironic how the thing we believed was our salvation turned out to be our destruction in disguise.


Now my English teacher might think I'm blowing this thing way out of proportion(LOL!) but trust me when I say I wish I was.We live in the 21st century where everyone is living in the fast lane.People, nowadays don't have a second to waste.They want today's work done and dusted yesterday!The government, like any responsible government does not simply want its people to keep waiting till the Chinese New Year (Spider Man reference:) so what do they do? Bring in shiny new computers to help cut workloads and make life as effortless and complacent as possible?Well, if your answer was the same as mine then congratulation because you live on the same planet as all the other 7 billion people do.On a more serious note, we have become entirely dependent upon computers.Say, if one computer-dependent system, say, State treasury records were to get corrupted or hacked in, mass felony would be inevitable, leading to breakdown of several other indispensable systems.The human race has just bought front row tickets to possibly the greatest domino effect any soul will ever witness!

Moving on,let's shed some light on computers and our personal lives. We see desolated parks and football fields every single day. Kids, especially teenagers are too busy using Facebook and Instagram; they have forgotten that they are kids.Children are supposed to run around, drive parents crazy and devise master plans to rid themselves of evil older brothers- not sit in front of a screen competing for likes on a social networking site and getting their fragile retinas damaged by the inimical rays emitted from these weapons of mass destruction.Toddlers learn how to use an iPhone before they learn how to speak their first full sentence.What has the world come to?

Computers have become an addiction for people of all ages.Withdrawal symptoms include extreme grouchiness and violent mood swings(In exceptional cases, threatening your mother you'll jump off a cliff if not given back your mobile)What we need is salvation.No, Will Smith fighting off a hundred robots on a skyscraper is not exactly the salvation I'm talking about.We have to learn to say NO.I know it's easier said than done but believe me, if you don't want to be enslaved by robots you will have to sometimes say no to computers. Hasta la Vista style.The fate of the universe rests on your shoulders.

I tried to make this as light as possible but the truth can not be denied. Excessive use of computer based technology does have detrimental effect on a person's body and mind.We should try to keep the body as efficacious as possible by keeping computer usage to a minimal and ensuring we get a lot of physical exercise.

Sending positive vibes your way,


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