Rant Against My Owners

When the last big network was bought up by one of 6 Jewish families who own 95% of ALL MEDIA, only then did they unleashed a multi-pronged attack on the soul of the USA. Since they were allowed to go decades almost unchallenged, they won. America lost and now will reap the whirlwind of what they have sown by allowing them to gain total control over media, banking, government, and education, to name a few. Have you noticed all our recent wars directly benefit one nation and literally do nothing for us?

Uncontrolled Statism led to the universal promotion of evolution theory. A generation was taught they meant NOTHING and were in fact, cosmic accidents... mere monkeys evolved from slime which came from a rock which came from NOTHING. They cram down YOUR child's throat that they are a meaningless ANIMAL for YEARS and YEARS. They are told they have no ultimate purpose and that life is accidental and therefore without merit. They have unleashed the Age of the Nihilists upon the USA, INC. You can expect to reap true CHAOS from that final nail in the coffin.

Your government has enacted every plank of the Communist Manifesto (go look it up) and now all your children believe they are mere animals. As a man thinks, he is. This disaster has manufactured a nation of nihilistic, soulless, fierce, animals on purpose. When their world is turned upside down they will serve as shock troops as they burn America to the ground. Remember the Bolsheviks! They won.

Feminism, and Multiculturalism are also part of the Communist Conspiracy to destroy the USA. Their success to date has led DIRECTLY to the current identity crisis among millennials and the destruction of the American family unit. All decent historians know what that portends. It is obvious millennials have all been emotionally and spiritually stunted by design of this evil system. Find out who owns your media and banks. Then you will have identified your true enemy. It is NOT RUSSIA.

These people know it is over. They are so brazen now they publicly admitted the USA, INC. is RAN BY OLIGARCHY. If you missed it, look it up. Then let that fact and the many others i have stated sink in. Then read the Bible and tell me America is not end-times BABYLON. Believers need to know what time it is.

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