Charlottesville and the Trump blunder

Before I start rambling on about the events in Charlottesville, I condemn all hatred and bigotry. The KKK, White supremacists and neo-Nazis are very misguided and hateful people. There I said it; something that Trump should have done from the word get go. It really surprises me that there are people out there who hold these values in 2017. These people should take a long hard look at themselves and try to understand what it is they are so afraid of.

For those who have been following my blogs will know that I stand up for Trump and on this occasion, I will do the same as he DID condemn the KKK, White supremacists and Neo-Nazi’s.

However, surely if you are Donald Trump you must realise by now that everything you say and do is under the microscope. In this case he was own worst enemy because, it is inevitable that the media will twist and distort things.

What Trump said immediately following the violence:

"We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, violence — on many sides,"

Yes, he did not say explicitly mention the far-right groups however, he has condemned all sides for the violence. It’s the “many sides” that the media has jumped on.

Trumps second statement:
"Racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs including the KKK, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans,"

Surely, this was enough to appease the media. No, the negative news reports kept on coming about Trump. It was not good enough according to them.

The New York times reports: New Outcry as Trump Rebukes Charlottesville Racists 2 Days Later.

AOL News: Expert: There's 'legal basis' for impeaching Trump after Charlottesville comments.

There are many more crazy headlines from the left-wing propaganda camp. To me this whole thing is looking like a bit of a Psyop to try and link anyone who supports Trump as a racist. In a similar fashion, we had the same coming from the media projecting the narrative that it was middle aged racists men who voted to leave the EU. It will probably soon be anyone with conservative and libertarian views or opinions next in firing line.

If you needed any more evidence, craigslist had ads up from a company by the name “crowds on demand” and were paying actors to attend the Charlottesville and they were paid $25 per hour. See below:

Whether you like Trump or not surely this spin put out by the media should make your blood boil. There is impressionable people out there who will put 2 and 2 together and make 47. They just switch on the TV and take in what they are saying as gospel. I just hope this hype by the media does not exacerbate the situation further. A life was needless lost on that day and these protests no matter how divisive should be held peacefully otherwise the people have been divided and conquered. Let these racist thugs hold up their placards as it shows them for who they really are.

And before you think it, I do not like Donald Trump as President I just think he was the better alternative than the criminal he was running against. Someone whose crimes were routinely hidden from the public by the media because they were in collusion with her. If it were not for Wikipedia… well we would not know much, only anybody who testifies against the Clintons seems to mysteriously die somehow.

Trump said when he was running for President he was going to drain the swamp but the swamp is simply devouring him. The question though is how long will he survive this assault, Is the Deep state too big to contend with, Is the tentacles of the deep states influence in too many pies for an anti-establishment president. And if they assassinate Trump who is going to be next anti-establishment figure because, currently I am aware of one and will they even allow one?

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