The Power of Fear

The recent series of police brutalities being shown on the Media is apart of a brainwashing technique called FEARMONGERING. Fear is the breeding ground for anger, sadness, suffering, and eventually CHAOS.

Then from Chaos comes Order; which is another word for Control. Us as the Original Americans (Black people according to popular belief) are targeted to become slaves under this Order. And their plan of execution is clever, well strategized, manipulative to the highest degree, and very, very sadistic.

Allow me to explain; what happened in Baltimore happens almost everyday in this country against the Original Americans. For the media to put a spotlight on the problems and challenges that really isn't new is rather distracting from our own problems, and therefore our own salvation.

Currently, there are plenty of Originals killing each other, may it be our babies, children, family, whoever. More than the majority of aboriginals come together to protest (complain) and riot (tantrum) when outsiders bother us. That my friends, is a problem. The challenges within must be conquered before conquering challenges that is bigger than you. This Goes For EVERYTHING.

Focusing on external influences for internal evolution and growth doesn't help anybody grow as a person, as a cult, as a country, or as people! Especially if its a "perspective warping" influence like the Tel-E-Vision.

The Grand Plan is to manifest Chaos within the People, so that Order can be enforced on them in the form of "Martial Law".

The series of unfortunate events [such as 9/11, The Boston Marathon, Trayvon Martin, etc] were attempts at disrupting the comfortable and false stability of U.S citizens. Which in turn makes us feel violent, hopeless, and/or fearful. This makes it much more likely for people to retaliate in a violent manner.

Just like they planned.

Baltimore Videos That You May Not Have Seen:


The only way to stop this plan is to simply not follow it. If you deprive someone of your attention, it deprives them of your POWER. So many eyes are on the TV and not on whats truly going on around them. We must share this knowledge with others and come together to create a reality for all of us to thrive in!

It Is Time To Wake Up...Before its Too Late

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