Blockchain based infrastructure for flying cars

Growing up as a young boy I had good sense of imagination. Part of my imaginations is to see cars flying someday. So, I was flabbergasted when I got know about mcfly.earo as a dream come true project that will proffer solution to the problem of transportation around the world.

What is

image is powered by; a blockchain technologically powered software platform for flying vehicles to give people affordable and dynamic way to avoid traffic jams in big cities.

mcfly.earo comes with a very interesting solution, a low cost flying taxi, which is self-controlled and can be requested with an app and tokens all built on the blockchain technology. What a relief and solution to the age long problem of transportation!

The history and reality

Man is a social being thereby making man a mobile being. So, transportation is a necessity which can never be ruled out in Man's affairs. Over the ages, trecking had been the only through which people moved from one place to another. Not long from then, man advanced to the point of using animals as means of transportation. Animals such horses, Carmels, donkeys. Later on, man advanced to the point of using chariots alongside the animals. Through technological advancement bicycle was invented and later motorcycle vehicles. Trains were invented for mass movementirplane added for fast movement. All these boils down to the point that man is constantly in search of better means and comfort.

People always consider some factors in order to chose which means of transportation will be more suitable. Some of these factors are;

convenience and comfortability

The principal factor that has lead to the invention of other means of transportation is convenience and comfortability. Man is always in search of what will be convenient to him.
So, talking about invention of other means of transportation, it must be very convenient to use. If people are going to adopt a new means of transportation it must have improved on the level of convenience and comfortability of the previous. For instance; motorcycle is more convenient compared to bicycle, motorcars are more convenient compared to motorcycle, likewise aeroplanes are more convenient compared to cars. In the same vein, mcfly.earo flying cars are more convenient compared to current airplanes.


Man always look for ways to cut cost in order to economize resources. It will be worthwhile to drop a means of transportation if it is to expensive to afford by a common man.
IMajorities go for cars and buses instead of helicopters for city transportations based on their expenses. People would liks to spend less and use the rest their money for other things than to spend all on transportation. Mcfly.earo flying cars are affordable and convenient. What an innovation!


Time is life says a popular adage. No one will like to spend his/her precious time on a particular means of transportation when there are other options.
Many people opted out of train when it was too slow, but there have been a great improvement in that regard now. Trains are now faster means of transportation.
People chose a means of transportation that is convinient and comfotable, economizes cost and fast.


One of the important aspect of transportation people consider is the route. That is, the route taken by the means or transportation technology either land, water, air, or submarine. man lives mostly on land, so most of the activities are carried out on land. The has made the land route to be highly congested. The alternative route to ease the congestion on land is air route. For long distances such as inter country, one would think of airplanes but for short distances such as inter or intra-city transportation, one should have thought of helicopters, but for cost, convienience and noise, it is not visible again. Here comes mcfly.earo flying cars which fill in the gaps of inter and intra-city transportation.

The flying car flying cars solves the problem of transportation with a mass-affordability, convenience, electric autonomous four-passenger VTOL I.e the flying car. This invention surpasses all other options available because:

It is convenient and comfortable
Electronic autonomous four-passengers flying cars.
It minimizes cost
As soon as the operation begins, it will charge $8 per minute flight which far less expensive than helicopter as a means of transportation
It is fast
The eVTOL is ten times faster than a car. Based on the air route, it is more efficient and traffic jams will not be a problem. It is faster and more secure than helicopter.

no noise
tthe eVTOL ( flying car) is built with an anti-noise technology plus unlike the helicopter with the uber regulation that there should be no more than 70db in urban areas, users can be rest assured of no noise pollution, though is closer in structure to an helicopter.

no smoke
The eVTOL is electric which comes with batteries, it consumes lower energy compared to an helicopter. So, is no smoke!

self navigation
The eVTOL is self navigated. This can be requested with the application. Also it does not need any runway as the flying car takes off vertically from any surface.

If you go out on the urban street and you have some McFly tokens. Just use them to order an aerial vehicle (electric vertical take-off and landing, autonomous or semi-pi-loted) to the nearest landing area or directly to your home. Or you could use your mobile device to navigate your way to your destination.

There are many ways you can earn from this project. You could join and become one of the early adopters of this project thereby becoming one of the high earners of the project.

You can earn from the tokenization of the project:
∆$ you can earn by allowing landing and pick up of passengers,
∆$ you can earn by charging the flying cars,
∆$ you can earn by buying or renting the flying cars.

** What an awesome project!**

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Read the white paper here:

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