**Shifting Stability!**

May 2018 AstroMotivation Forecast

“There is nothing so stable as change!” - Bob Dylan

This month, for the first time in almost 80 years, Uranus will shift into Taurus! This strange pairing (the planet ruling change in the sign of stability!) signifies liberation from customary ways of doing things in favor of new methods and innovative techniques. For the next 7 years, Uranus will seek to shift the security-conscious/money-minded values of the Bull by remodeling the way we handle our resources, material wealth and financial interests. Starting this May we will experience the first hints of how shifting stability effects our lives!

The last transit of Uranus through Taurus (between 1934 and 1941), brought major changes to financial systems and labour standards. In the U.S., for instance, the Securities and Exchange Commission was established, the Social Security Act was founded, the National Labor Relations Act begun, and the Works Progress Administration started. In New Zealand, a strong state housing programme was launched, the Reserve Bank was made a state-controlled central bank, the 40-hour work week was introduced, and the Social Security Bill was enacted providing a universal free health system, welfare benefits, and superannuation.

What transpired in the past – both Astrologically and physically (“as above, so below”) - gives us clues as to what to look for in our futures. As Uranus now connects with Taurus once more, we can expect revisions and revolution, primarily in areas we classify as “security” from now until 2025! Finance, investments, housing, loans, business, global trade, legal and political platforms may be effected by such things as crypo-currency, artificial intelligence, reconfiguration of the banking industry, global economic reformation, corporate restructuring, sweeping changes in the internet, progressive workers rights/fair labour, new tax legislation, stock market reshuffling - along with a transformational view of how we utilize capital, credit and cash. Shifting themes of how we view stability will certainly be highlighting our future, so expect change and be ready to adapt rather than fighting to hang onto the old ways!

May also brings us Mercury advancing into Taurus, along with a New Moon in Taurus (just hours before Uranus enters the sign) – both emphasizing an earthy energy that focuses on issues of our security, possessions, values, comfort and financial well-being. This is a favourable month to focus on the changes ahead and what we can do to secure ourselves and our future in more down-to-earth, steady, stable and sound ways.

What Astrological details can we utilize for greater empowerment this month? Here's your Motivational Astrology forecast for May:

  • 14 May (13 May in U.S.A.): Mercury goes into Taurus – Viewing Our Values! When it comes to issues of security and our visions for future advancement, our thoughts will now turn more practical, patient and down to earth. Our values, goals and what we want to establish for greater stability – emotionally, physically and financially - will be the focus. Connecting and communicating with others, personally or professionally, will be deliberate, grounded and more in tune with our thoughtful natures. Our feelings, creative thoughts and senses will be highlighted – the touch, taste, fragrance and visual effect of all that surrounds us will be emphasized! This is a time to focus on what you value, what you seek to manifest for a better tomorrow and how you can implement your prosperous plans for the time ahead – in love and money!

  • 15 May: New Moon in Taurus – Positive and Productive Progress! This magical Lunar Light shines brightly for new beginnings, initiating greater appreciation and activation of our individual talents and creative callings. We can now align ourselves with better ways to advance our dreams, honouring our gifts, while finding more stability, assurance and growth of our true purpose. As we break old patterns we come into a new time of positive and productive inner change that can manifest in more abundance in our outer world. Appreciation for all that we have been blessed with and all that we align ourselves with emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically, is highlighted. As we heal and extend love and gratitude to one another, we create opportunity for greater happiness within ourselves!

  • 16 May (15th in U.S.A.): Uranus moves into Taurus! - Altering Assurances! The planet signifying change, revolution and innovation connects to the sign signifying its opposite – stability, assurance and safeguarding! For the next 7 years this unusual pairing signifies liberation from the customary way of doing things in favor of new methods and inventive techniques. For the next 7 years, Uranus will seek to shift the security-conscious/money-minded values of the Bull by remodeling the way we handle our resources, material wealth and financial interests. Shifting themes of how we view stability will certainly be highlighting our future, so expect change and be ready to adapt rather than fighting to hang onto the old ways!

  • 16 May (15th in U.S.A.): Mars moves into Aquarius! - Innovative Shake Up! As the planet of action enters the sign signifying freedom – we now embark on a 5 month cycle of release and revolution! This is a new cycle of freedom – letting go of the ties that bind us, disengaging from bad habits or negative circumstances and embracing new ways of expression in order to move forward with greater courage and ingenuity. We can now tap into new inventive, original and innovative thinking while honouring our individualistic talents, views and visions. This is an ideal time for getting involved in new technologies, humanitarian projects or embarking on entrepreneurial endeavours. Your free spirit, inspired ideas and unique abilities are highlighted now!

  • 20 May (19 May in U.S.A.): Venus goes into Cancer – Nurture the Love! We show our love and concern toward others now with greater devotion, care, affection and consideration. This is a new cycle of tenderness and romance, but also a time to consider what makes us feel safe, loved and secure – emotionally and spiritually. Our feelings, receptivity and intuition are strong – made even more so by encouragement and acknowledgment from others. Home, Family and Domestic issues will be emphasized as we seek greater comfort and ease in our surroundings. This is the time to share your emotions and open your hearth and heart to others. As you intuitively will be inclined to give much care, support and comfort to those your love, make sure you are showing the same qualities to yourself!

  • 21 May (20 May in U.S.A.): Sun goes into Gemini – Have Your Say! As we enter a new Solar cycle in the inquisitive sign of Gemini, we are being asked “What is your message?” We are now encouraged to be more mindful of the knowledge, information, ideas and the thoughts we have to share. This is a great time to connect with like-minded loved ones to offer our wisdom and to create new concepts and learning tools for better understanding. This represents a new start for greater self-awareness, mindful expression and inspired ways of visualizing our future. Begin now those things you want to communicate, explore, teach and contribute to this world!

  • 30 May (29 May in the U.S.A.): Full Moon in Sagittarius – Believe In You!
    Full Moons always represent a time of culmination, of completion, and of being aware of what needs to be released in order to find renewal. This Full moon, in the sign representing expansion and encouraging energy, brings an opportunity to share our greater truths through more outgoing expression of our beliefs and feelings. Release now any negative emotions or inhibitions when it comes to your personal awareness and self appreciation, and make room for more positive growth in our feelings and intuitive lives. A great time to ask yourself: Are your future views, spiritual expressions and spiritual philosophies on the same page? Allow this large Lunar light to shine the way toward further truth, inspiration, vitality and awareness of your expansive soul!

  • 30 May (29 May in U.S.A.): Mercury goes into Gemini – Sharing Your Prospective! As the planet governing communications moves into its ruling sign of expressive Gemini, we're able to articulate our ideas, share our thoughts and advance our considerable plans and projects! Greater curiosity, communications and socializing enable us to be more outgoing and verbalize our visions with greater agility and finesse! This is the green light for speaking up, being heard and sharing your insights while at the same time enriching your self expression. Allow your curiosity to flourish by saying YES to new group activities, friendships and enriching endeavours! Your thoughts count!

  • The Outer Planets stay in a sign for a longer period of time, so their effect on us is more gradual, but significant none the less. Here they are in their current positions:

  • Jupiter is Retrograde in Scorpio: As the planet representing expansion and opportunity continues moving “backward” in the Mars-ruled sign of Scorpio, we become more reflective, contemplative and introspective. Areas in need of revision and reevaluation come into focus - especially issues surrounding extravagance, hubris, wastefulness or greed. This can be a time when ego and self-pride may need some adjustments. From March until July, this Retrograde energy can be a favourable time for improving our outlook on abundance and “wealth” - mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. What are the important things in your life and what do you really value? Use this opportunity to bring to light the truth in many areas of prosperity and self worth. Our religious, philosophical and psychological thoughts, feelings and directions can now be reevaluated, helping us to gain further wisdom into ourselves. Ideally this cycle can bring us better understanding of our inner workings, our passions, our needs – offering us a change to grow into the best version of ourselves. Jupiter will be Retrograde until 9 July 2018 and in Scorpio until 9 November 2018.

  • Saturn is Retrograde in Capricorn: As the planet representing Responsibility and Structure is Retrograde (until 6 September), we're encouraged to reflect upon our fears, doubts and insecurities – exposing cracks in the foundation of our lives and finding the root element of what may be holding us back. As we emotionally and mentally investigate our inward issues we can uncover much about what undermines our progress. By getting to the heart of the matter we can focus more on solutions, gaining strength to surmount any challenge! This is an ideal cycle for realigning, reviewing and reconnecting with our true purpose, readdressing the steps that need to be put into place to achieve our goals. Saturn will be in Capricorn until January 2021.

  • Uranus in Aries until 16 May – then into Taurus: As the planet of Innovation continues it's cycle through the assertive, aggressive and independent sign of Aries, we are encouraged to reflect on what we need for greater freedom in our lives. But starting 16 May, Uranus, also ruling change, revolution and innovation, enters Taurus, the sign signifying its opposite – stability, assurance and safeguarding! For the next 7 years this unusual pairing signifies liberation from the customary way of doing things in favor of new methods and inventive techniques. For the next 7 years, Uranus will seek to shift the security-conscious/money-minded values of the Bull by remodeling the way we handle our resources, material wealth and financial interests. Shifting themes of how we view stability will certainly be highlighting our future, so expect change and be ready to adapt rather than fighting to hang onto the old ways! Uranus will be in Taurus until 2016!

  • Neptune in Pisces all month: While the planet ruling dreams and creativity continues slowly moving through its ruling sign of Pisces, we are encouraged to honor more of our spiritual awareness, artistic inspiration and intuitive insight! Greater appreciation for the beautify around us as well as within us is highlighted. We-are-all-one compassion is emphasized along with further need for humanitarian expression. Readdressing ways to embrace greater sympathy and empathy along with universal understanding is highlighted. Neptune will be in Pisces until 31 March 2025.

  • Pluto in Capricorn going Retrograde: As the planet of Transformation continues its long journey through this sober sign, and goes Retrograde (23 April until 1 October!) we get serious about making positive changes to ourselves and our world. The overall theme of this cycle is uncovering the misuse of power and authority to enable change for the better. It represents a major time of rediscovery, review and reconsideration that brings transformation to our society, government, world order and Mother Earth. It also pushes to think about the changes we want to make to our belief structures and our power as individuals and as a whole. This pairing will continue until 24 March 2023.

  • Chiron is in Aries: As the “wounded healer” moves through the sign of Aries, we have greater opportunity to overcome personal obstacles, revive belief in ourselves and our abilities and feel a greater sense of self worth. As we surmount challenges, we find greater empowerment, advancing our individual confidence while manifesting more of our goals.

Cheers to You and Yours for a Marvelous and Motivating May! You are loved and appreciated!

With Warmth, Heart and StarLight,

  • GiGi Astro Sosnoski
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