Rohingya crisis: A month of misery in Myanmar's Rakhine

Monday marks one month since recent crisis began in Rakhine forcing 430,000 people to flee their homes to Bangladesh.
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Hundreds of people continue to cross the border into Bangladesh one month since the start of the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar's Rakhine state where raids by Rohingya fighters prompted a major army crackdown.

Since August 25, Bangladesh has been facing the unenviable dual task of looking after 430,000 wretched people while trying to persuade Myanmar to take them back. At least 240,000 of them are children.

The influx adds to about 300,000 Rohingya, already located in camps around the Bangladeshi city of Cox's Bazar.d9ae810d66d44e8fbcc8a75758a48a53_6.jpg

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