Mattis resigns: better dead than red (????)

The pretense that our CIA, military, and such are to protect our freedom was dropped long ago. Now they are saying they are for the "freedom" of people in other countries? Or for "our interests"? As if it is in our interests to commit war crimes against people in all other countries? That is not anything I am interested in.
red or dead.jpg

Many of those people our CIA and military have assisted were in stable, functioning democracies before the "assistance". Before the terrorists were trained, armed, and funded. Before the bombs were dropped (including ones with depleted uranium, because we are helpful like that). Before the drugs were smuggled.

Have our representatives passed that H.R 608 Stop Arming Terrorists Act yet? Not that I noticed.


But recent events, including this calling an end to the attacks on Syria, and Mattis' resignation, look like significant steps in a good direction.
I find I am really hopeful about them.

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