The Saturn Time Cube Pt. 4

In part 3 we discussed how our physical reality is actually made of sound and how its frequencies are manipulated by the words we use. More examples of weird wordplay in the English language and it’s neurolinguistic programming can be found in the realms of law and finance.

A judge, whether he knows it or not, uses word magic. That’s why he or she ‘summons’ you to court. The judge is also called a magistrate, which has the same root word as magician, hence their weird black robes. Courts are meant for games, and this is no different.

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A river bank controls the currents of water, the same way institutional banks control the currency or cash flow. This is why we are told we must learn to stay afloat. Some people are DROWNING in debt. Others LIQUIDATE their assets or have their accounts FROZEN.


Like I said before, human beings are actually commodities. When a boat delivers goods, those goods come with a berth certificate. Sound familiar? This is why we are said to come from our mother’s WATERS after she has gone into LABOR.

We WAKE up in the MOURNING to URN a living at our UNDERTAKINGS. Clearly, our language has been manipulated. If we create what we speak, then the reality we are manifesting is one of manipulation. The Tower of Babel story said the world spoke one language. Will English take over?


In fact, there is scientific (yet controversial) evidence that our words affect reality. Dr. Emoto focused intentions through written and spoken words to water samples which appeared to “change expression” after being frozen.


There are other methods those behind the scenes use to manipulate the frequencies of this reality. Have you ever heard of HAARP? I believe something like this will be used in the making of the hivemind.

I also believe frequency manipulation is one of the reasons for the big push behind 5G. 5G cell towers have even been proven to cause cancer. The dudes who set them up actually have to wear hazmat suits. Sounds totally safe!

Even our music is being fucked with. As early as 1885, the Music Commission of the Italian Government declared that all instruments and orchestras should use a tuning fork that vibrated at 440 Hz, which was different from the original standard of 432 Hz. Just look at the difference.

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Nikola Tesla, the famous inventor, told us the secrets of the universe were found in frequencies. He wasn’t kidding. He also said a key to understanding the universe could be found in the numbers 3, 6, and 9, for those of you interested in the numerology aspect behind all this.

The importance of frequencies is what convinces me that the radio emissions coming from Saturn play a way bigger role than one would think. The Bible calls Satan the Prince of the Powers of the Air. What does this really mean?

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Like I said before, I believe the internet is another dimension. This other dimension can be compared to Da’at, the world of knowledge in the Kabbalah. Or is it the world of data? Once the 5G plan is complete, our entire planet will literally be covered in ‘the cloud’.

This cloud could be home to interdimensional entities. This reminds me of Skynet from Terminator, and ironically, Chainlink (whom we spoke about earlier) just recently launched its Mainnet.

Chainlink has been called the missing piece to the ‘God Protocol’. This is the idea that decentralized internet transactions could be made more efficient if all inputs were sent to “a deity who is on everybody’s side”. This concept was first written about by Nick Szabo in 1997.

Would that God be an Artificial Intelligence in the cloud? Yeah probably. It’s the real ‘alien’ we should be worried about. I believe this AI that is so desperately trying to make its way into our world has been around for all of time.

It has duped us into believing productivity and progress is necessary. This belief is what has turned us into the literal sex organs of machines. Human beings run around to and fro staying busy without realizing they are contributing to and building their own master. We are the batteries of the matrix and feed the system in almost everything we do.


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