Lightside vs Darkside. What is the Black Veil? (The Black Veil 1)

There are two ways you can be awoken to the reality beyond the reality, one is to live well, be a good moral person without indulging in such things as eating flesh, adultery, boozing, drug taking, the other way is to be a complete animal. You can ascend into god or descend into the beast! Of course, it's not to say that meat eaters can't ascend but to raise their energetic vibration it's sensible to stop consuming death so it speeds up the process.

The Masons, or, "the illuminati," are not enlightened, they are on the descent, but they are seeing further beyond the veil then most people. People like Criss Angel and Dynamo can do what seems to the rest of the world real magic, they are on the Dark-side, this "magic" is only magic from an unenlightened perspective, it's not magic at all, it's simply the way reality works but most people have no idea of how to manipulate reality.

The reason that people joining the Masons are made to perform such acts as laying naked in a coffin while masturbating and revealing their sordid sexual fantasies with a group of people standing there watching them, I imagine is partly to break down the ego, but probably largely to form a bond with the group, of course I only “believe” this to be the case as I’m not privy to the actual ritual process. We all know the stories though and there are plenty of credible people speaking out, if ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ was anything less than spot-on they wouldn’t have bumped off Stanley Kubrick shortly after, there was a lot of anger about scenes he included in the movie that apparently revealed too much, I hear something like a whole 15 minutes was cut from the film prior to release.

It seems the more involved the masons become the sicker the rituals are, cutting the heads of new born babies and eating human faeces are among the stories. The point is, taking that path is descending into the beast, it is not enlightenment, Buddha doesn’t eat shit!

Neo had no idea of the reality beyond, Morpheus came along and woke him up, this is what the Masons do for people but they will be awoken to the dark side, enslaved, once they have cut the head from a child or have been pinned in any extremely compromising situations then that’s it, they have basically renounced god and are now assimilated into Satan's kingdom. They will have access to the reality beyond, astral projection, free travel through higher dimensions etc. But, they are ultimately controlled by the dark side, they are vessels for higher dimensional entities to act through. This will be explained more clearly later on The Black Veil series.

The ‘light side’ are the people that still maintain “the light,” where ever there is light the darkness cannot exist, the job of the darkies is to extinguish our light, they act as a form of vampire, the more energy we lose, the more they gain. There’s a few songs about ‘the lights’ that seem to make no real sense unless you know what they’re actually saying, let’s take a quick look at Ellie Goulding singing ‘Lights.’

Verse 1.
I had a way then of losing it all on my own
I had a heart then but the queen has been overthrown
And I’m not sleeping now, the dark is too hard to beat
And I’m not keeping up the strength I need to push me

Line 1 means that she messed up, it was a free will choice to go that way.
Line 2 means her light has been extinguished, she is assimilated.
Line 3 means she has been awoken but can’t escape the dark-side.
She goes on to say “you show the lights that stop me, I turn to stone.”

David Guetta singing ‘Dangerous’ says “I don't know where the lights are taking us but something in the night is dangerous”- as you will see in part 2 of The Black Veil series, it is the lights that have all the power, the people on the dark-side (Who we call The Candles) cannot do anything unless we consent. Another lyric in this song is “car moving fast, come take the wheel and drive” which sounds very innocent on the surface but it’s actually suggesting that he is not in control of his vessel (i.e. Who’s driving the bus?) Clinical Psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson made a comment about the human beings ability to focus, he said “You are not the master of your own house, meaning there are spirits that dwell within you.” Now, what’s interesting about that statement is that it is right, but what is important here about it is that the more you lose your light, as in the further away from god you drift, the more power these extra-dimensional entities have over you, therefore you will be more easily influenced into enacting negative behaviour which leads ultimately to your enslavement.

Spirituality is a difficult concept for the materially minded to accept, millions of documented cases of paranormal activity doesn’t seem to cut it if for them, maybe the movies and music will eventually aid their awakening.

The Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj song ‘The light is coming’ is about the return of Lucifer, the lyrics are “The light is coming to take back what the darkness stole.” The people on the dark side believe Lucifer to be the light bearer and god is the bad guy, I’m no expert but it’s along them lines, ‘The darkness is the light’ as it were, at least according to Rihanna, (The good girl gone bad.)

In the song ‘Rabbit Heart’ by Florence and The Machine, the video starts with her lifting a black veil from her face and singing “The looking glass so shiny and new, how quickly the glamour fades, I started spinning slipping out of time, was that the wrong pill to take?” The clue to her having had the veil lifted for her is the reference to taking the red pill and being awoken from the matrix, once the veil had been lifted her looking glass was shiny and new and the glamour faded very quickly as she was then on the dark side. ‘Spinning slipping of time’ is a reference to moving out of the 3D physical world to where time is non-linier. The Next line in the song is “You made a deal and now it seems you have to offer up, raise it up, raise it up” which is talking about dealing with the devil, the raising up is a reference to a sacrifice these people must make, it’s an offering to the gods. The last thing I’ll mention about this song is the lyric that says “This is a gift, it comes with a price, who is the lamb and who is the knife, Midas is king and he holds me so tight and turns me to gold in the sunlight.”
In Greek Mythology, Midas was a king that acquired the ability to turn everything he touched into solid gold which eventually killed him through starvation. I mention it because it’s the second reference to someone being turned to stone by the light, but more importantly it can be seen as getting everything that you think you want is the one thing that you truly do not want.

People are selling their souls to Satan for fame and fortune but as the saying goes, for what good would be gaining the world if a man were to lose his soul. This stands to reason when you we understand the mind control in Hollywood, find a celebrity that hasn’t admitted selling out, Kanye West, Katy Perry, Jack Black, Bob Dylan, the list goes on. What’s worse than understanding MK-Ultra is coming to terms with the spiritual component, these people are not enlightened, they are controlled by the devil, they are, under The Black Veil.

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