We are ALL being hoodwinked regarding the so called measurements of the Earth, Moon and Sun!

For those who love mathematics, check this out ( images regarding my findings will be at the end of this post ). These are my findings ( re-search ) regarding the measurements in miles for the RA-dius and diameter for the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth ( that we are told anyways without real verifiable proof for oneself mind you ) for the numbers are very interesting to say the least. So much so that I find it extremely hard to accept it as mere coincidence. Trickery perhaps? After all, NASA and Google keep changing the so called measurements for the Earth, Moon and Sun. Just slightly mind you. For the Earth's RA-dius ( that we are told ) is 3960 miles ( aka 3-9-6 like what Nikola Tesla said and there are 360 degrees in a circle and square. One can "Square the Circle" with the supposed measurements of the Earth and Moon as well ). However NASA ( aka Not A Space Agency ) claims it to be 3959 miles, off by 1 mile mind you, wink wink. ;) The Earth's diameter as we are told is 7920 miles and the summed interior angles for a hexagon is 720 degrees! Also 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 = 720! Similar numbers that represent the measurement of the Earth's supposed diameter!

The Moon's RA-dius that we are told is 1080 miles, aka 1080 High Definition television, 108 mala beads, 108 stitches on a BAse BAll, 10,080 are how many minutes in a 7 day week, interior summed angles of a triangle equals 180 degrees, the summed interior angles of an octagon is 1080 degrees and 10,080 represents the summed numbers from the Earth's diameter ( 7920 miles ) and the Moon's diameter ( 2160 miles ). However, yet again NASA has it off by a few miles, i.e. 1079.6 miles for the Moon's supposed RA-dius! Ha! Again wink wink. The Moon's diameter is interesting as well for it contains the number 216. 216 x 216 equals the number that represents the "hypercube" or "tesseract", i.e. 46656 and that number there is an anagram for the number that represents the name "Jesus " in the septenary cipher / English Gematria which is 45666!

( Note: See the work of Marty Leeds for further understanding regarding the "Septenary Cipher / English Gematria" )

Now the Sun's RA-dius and diameter is very interesting as well. First off the Sun's RA-dius that we are told ( it has changed recently on Google, but go figure, Google deceives and is not trust worthy in my mind whatsoever for reliable unbiased information! ) was 432,288 miles. First let's take the number 432. 432 used to be the standard for audio recording before being changed to 440 hz. 432 is the 2nd overtone, 3rd harmonic. " Pythagorean tuning ", perhaps hence the " harmony of the spheres "? 432 = the number 9. Also 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 x 6 x 7 x 8 = 40,320.

... If one reads the verse in the bible regarding the "mark of the beast" it states in Revelations 13.18:

"This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding (knowledge) calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666."

...Well that is very interesting. If one takes the numbers 13 and 18, the same numbers for this specific chapter and verse and multiply the two it equals 234 ( same number that we are told for the tilt of the earth, aka 23.4 degrees ). Now mirror the number 234 and add like this, 234 + 432 = 666! 666 is interesting because supposedly we are told that the molecules that make up melanin (human skin), or "Man" is 6 neutrons, 6 protons and 6 electrons, or perhaps 666 is the number representing the "Sun", at least its magic square? Not to mention that the Washington D.C. monument, an obelisk aka "Osiris' Phallus" in which is penetrating a Vesica Piscis ( Womb of Isis ) stands at 6,660 inches tall! Now the other part of the Sun's supposed RA-dius, the number 288. Well 288 is the measurement for the height of the Washington D.C. Capitol building. 288 is the 1st overtone, 2nd harmonic. 288 also equals 9! 2+8+8 = 18 = 9. 216 = 9, 1080 = 9, 7920 = 9, 3960 = 9, etc. ( remember what Tesla said about the 3-6-9 ). Now the diameter for the Sun is interesting as well. 864,576 miles. Well 864 = 9. 864 is the 5th overtone and 6th harmonic. There are 86,400 seconds in a 24 hour day. 864 divided by 275 equals a close approximation to Pi, i.e. 864/275 = 3.1418181818. The size of the Transamerica Obelisk in San Francisco stands at 864 ft tall! 8 x 6 x 4 x 5 x 7 x 6 = 40,320 as well. A similar number to the Sun's supposed RA-dius! Gee what a coinkidink! The number 576 also = 9. 576 is the 3rd overtone, 4th harmonic!

You see folks, we are all being hoodwinked I feel and just the numbers here to me is much more evidence of trickery ( other than the go pro wide angle lens camera that creates an artificial curve that oscillates back and forth from concave to convex but I digress! ). Still waiting for verifiable / repeatable / testable proof of curve and motion of the "Earth" myself, just sayin'. Another thing, when one places an upright pentagram in a 360 degree compass with the top point of the pentagram placed on the 0 / 360 degree mark, one will find some very interesting numbers from the degrees where the points of the pentagram are placed that pertain to the supposed measurement of not only the Earth, but the Moon and especially the Sun, as well as the harmonic numbers in "Pythagorean" tuning. I will leave you all to figure this one out for yourselves. It is much more fun that way. Also I must stress, don't believe what anyone tells you, including me. Go and test and experiment for yourself and come to your own conclusions. Always question everything, including me. For I would much rather have "questions that cannot be answered than answers that cannot be questioned". Now tell me Globe Earth and Flat Earth believers, what do you make of all of this? Coincidence like the "Big Bang", "The Darwinian Theory of Evolution", and the "Goldie Locks Zone"? Proof of some higher intelligence / simulation? Or we are all being hoodwinked and fed a story based on harmonic mathematical numbers? Numbers and geometry that those in the "know" perhaps study ( see "Morals and Dogma" by Albert Pike )? For you will not truly learn this in your Rockefeller / Vanderbilt / Carnegie / Gates public indoctrination camps. Sorry. But I digress. Talley ho and Namaste to you all! Question everything including me! ;)

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