Mathematical Alchemy (dissecting base 10 numbers via Vortex Based Mathematics, the "digital root" and the nonagon)


--------- PART 1 ---------










--------- PART 2 ---------

Now what I have done below is taken all of the individual number pyra-midal groups from above and went ahead and added / summed up each diagonal row in all directions (i.e. left and right diagonal rows going both up and down directions) together and reduced my findings down to what is called its "digital root" and thus summing up both the left and right digital root horizontal numbers corresponding opposite from one another together and thus reducing each number again down to its "digital root" to come to a single digit revealing very interesting corresponding PA-tterns. Once I have completed that process, I then took each individual horizontal number group (there are four total in each individual group) within each individual total pyra-midal group and then connected the dots via a nonagon / 9 sided polygon to find their geometric constituents. Below are my findings.










Now when all 9 individual geometric constituents from above are all combined together, they thus then come together to form a complete nonagram in its entirety.


--------- PART 3 ---------

In PART 3 I now went ahead and simply summed up all the horizontal rows within each of the 9 individual total pyra-midal groups and simply reduced each row down to their "digital roots" and then again simply summed up all "digital root" numbers together to find its total single digit. Below are my findings. Note the numerical PA-tterns (all highlighted in yellow) after summing up each horizontal row for each of the 9 individual pyra-midal groups? Keep those in mind for I will have more on those numerical PA-tterns later. There are 6 total that I have found / discovered.










--------- PART 4 ---------

Now in PART 4 I used the same method as above but rather instead of summing each horizontal row, I simply summed up each vertical row and reduced my findings down to its "digital root" and then simply connected the dots of my findings once again within a nonagon / 9 sided polygon to find its geometric constituent. Below are my findings.










Again when all 9 individual geometrical constituents from above are all combined together, they thus then come together again to form a nonagram, somewhat, however for some reason beyond me I am not sure why it is not a complete nonagram. Perhaps I have made a mistake I have yet to find or perhaps not? At this time I do not know. Perhaps one of you can find my error if there is one to be found? I encourage it. Until then, moving on...


--------- PART PHI-VE ---------

Here in PART PHI-VE I am going to demonstrate / show to you what those six numerical group PA-tterns that I had mentioned up above earlier do that I have found within the process above in PART 3. But before I do that I would like to demonstrate / show you some information to help one better understand what is going on here and to help one better understand the multiple PA-tterns with in PA-tterns for ones own self.

Now some of you perhaps may or may not know about what some refer to as "Vortex Based Mathematics" or what some refer to as "Solfeggio" number groups , i.e. variations of 1-4-7, 2-5-8, and 3-6-9. If not, I encourage one to research and check it out for ones own self to have a better, deeper understanding. May I recommend the work of Marko Rodin and Randy Powell or feel free to check out some of my recent post(s) regarding vortex based mathematics and the number 9 itself.

Below is a chart of basically how our numbers work with one another within the base 10 number system. Notice how in nature an underlying common theme is that of a vortex, spiral, or toroid type shape of sorts? One can see this with how tornados / hurricanes, the pine cone itself, electricity, DNA, our very own hearts and the blood that spirals through our veins, etc. work. Even the zygote at the moment of creation takes to the very shape of the doubling PA-ttern of 1-2-4-8-7-5. Well that my friends is the root of "Vortex Based Mathematics" in short. Nature itself takes the shape of a spiral / toroid and the numbers themselves seem to follow suit. However when observing these numbers think of groups all coinciding around a theme of 3, 6, and 9. I myself feel this is somewhat what Nikola Tesla was referring to when he stated "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe." Well perhaps Nikola Tesla was very much correct? For below is just one of many examples. If anything the images below are the base examples of Nikola Tesla's above quote within our base 10 number system. I myself feel the numbers themselves are the greatest teachers so therefore I will allow them to do the talking. If you will, simply observe / meditate / contemplate their beautiful, harmonious and very orderly language for yourselves below and truly understand their "magic". Truly remarkable indeed.

Here are the numbers in our base 10 system lined up accordingly. The "Solfeggio" number group of 1-4-7 are colored "red", the 2-5-8 colored "blue", the 3 and 6 colored "green" and the number 9 colored "purple" (except the first example, where I must have colored the 9 green as well). This will make much more sense as to why I did this once one understands and connects the dots of what is at play here. Essentially the colors are there to help one better understand how these three individual "Solfeggio" groups work within one another. Below are my findings / demonstrations:

-- A chart of the numbers in order via our "base 10 number system" color coded according to what I stated above and reduced to their "digital root".


-- Concerning the number group 1-4-7 with the others (below):


-- Concerning the number group 2-5-8 with the others (below):


-- Concerning the number group 3-6-9 with the others (below):


Ok, so now knowing that and observing for ones own self as to how these number groups work within one another here are those six number groups I mentioned above earlier in PART 3:


Now do you notice the oscillating 3's and 6's vertically as well as the oscillating doubling vortex based mathematics PA-ttern of 1-2-4-8-7-5 vertically? Well that is just the beginning. Here are some more of my findings below, both numerical and geometrical:








--------- FINAL WORD ---------

So in my final thoughts for this blog I would like to bring forth your attention to the specific numbers "864" and "432". Why do I bring these two specific numbers up? Well for starters these two numbers may have more connected and in common than one may assume at first. For example, those six number groups I mentioned above earlier, well the numbers "864" and "432" are among just some of the recurring numbers I have found / discovered via contained within the methods mentioned / shown above especially pertaining and contained within two of the six number groups mentioned above themselves, i.e. 443283179 and 886476259 to be exact. Not only that but these two numbers along with the six number groups that can be found with in all the individual pyra-midal groups up above shown in PART 1 and PART 3 as well are all found contained within. Interesting enough that is not all. For 864 and 432 both indeed have a "digital root" of 9, i.e. for 8 + 6 + 4 = 18 = 1 + 8 = 9 and 4 + 3 + 2 = 9. 864 and 432 both are also found in common frequencies both found in music / audio recording, i.e. 864hz being the 5th overtone, 6th harmonic and 432hz being the 2nd overtone, 3rd harmonic, in which 432hz used to be the standard for audio recording before being changed to 440 hz in the early 1930's. Not only that but like above, both numbers contain each number from the "Solfeggio" number groups as well, i.e. 4 from "1-4-7" group, 3 from "3-6-9" group, and 2 from "2-5-8" group. 8 from the "2-5-8" group, 6 from the "3-6-9" group, and the only repeating number, 4 from the "1-4-7" group. Now check this, there really is something with these two numbers unlike the others. For both 864 and 432 as we are told represents both the supposed diameter and RA-dius of the Sun, again as we are told (wink wink). The supposed dia-meter we are told is 864,576 miles and the supposed RA-dius or "dios" ("SUN-GOD") we are told is 432,288 miles (the number 288 is also found in audio recording, i.e. 288 being the 1st overtone, second harmonic and has a "digital root" of 9 as well). Interesting enough I am not done just yet. The number 864 specifically speaking can also be found in how many seconds are in a single 24 hour day, i.e. 86,400 seconds and is also one way to find a close approximation of "Pi", i.e. 864 / 275 = 3.14181818181818! Below I will also show you two other places that I have found the number 864 and the number 432 as well...(both highlighted in yellow)



So in my final thoughts, I myself have come to the conclusion that numbers are not created / invented by mankind, at all (well maybe the way they appear / look but not how numbers work / interact with one another and nature itself). If anything, mathematics (numbers / geometry), "Vortex Based Mathematics" specifically, to me are proof of some uni-versial intelligence / "God" / G.A.O.T.U. / the "source" or whatever one wishes to call it. For I am now aware myself that mathematics are its language and geo-metry are its blueprints for creation. However do not take my word for it alone. Question everything including me and come to your own conclusions regarding. I encourage it 100%. If anything, what I have shown you thus far interest you, please then try this out for yourself and experience it all on your very own. To me that was the real teacher, the experience and process itself. I have learned so much via going through the processes above on my own with the numbers and geo-metries themselves being such great teachers that they are, have shown me so so much knowledge. So much so that it is nearly impossible for me to put it all into words and to express the step by step processes. This blog that you are currently reading is my measly human attempt to express the language of the uni-verse the best I can with what I have been shown / know, i.e. gnosis. Hopefully I did not do too bad. If this interest you, please do try it for yourself. If you have any questions regarding anything in this blog please feel free and comment below. I will try my best to answer your inquires / quest-ions. And like always, much love and light and a big Namaste to you all my fellow sisters and brothers. ;)


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