Elements of Set Theory: Functions

In most calculus books a function is introduced as a rule that assigns to each object in a certain set (domain) a unique object in a possibly different set (range).

Typical example:

The action of this function can be described by writing,

Each individual action can be represented by an ordered pair:

The set of all these pairs represents the squaring function. These set of pairs at times has been called the graph of the function; it is a subset of the coordinate plane .

Thus a function is a set of ordered pairs (i.e., a relation). But it has a special property: it is "single-valued" such that for each domain there is a unique y such that

Definition A function is a relation F such that for each x in dom F there is only one y such that

For a function F and a point x in dom F, the unique y such that is called the value of F at x and is denoted .

The "" notation was introduced by Euler in the 1700s.

Functions are basic objects appearing in all parts of mathematics. Thus, there are many terminologies associated with functions. Unfortunately, no terminology has become uniformly standardized. In this section, we will collect some of this terminology.


F is a function from A into B or that F maps A into B written as,

iff F is a function, dom F = A, and ran .

A special case of range such that ran F = B, then F is a function from A onto B.


A function F is one-to-one iff for each there is only one x such that. One-to-one functions are sometimes called injections. Another way to call a one-to-one is to use the phrase "single-rooted", in analogy to "single-valued".

Definition A set R is single-rooted iff for each there is only one x such that .

We can then say that a function is single-rooted iff it is one-to-one.

Consider the following function called "addition", . The domain of addition is consists of pairs of numbers and the addition function itself consists of triples of numbers.

We may write the function as

Now, we'll discuss some commonly applied operations to functions, using some defined arbitrary sets


a. The inverse of F is the set

b. The composition of F and G is the set

c. The restriction of F to A is the set

d. The image of A under F is the set

Facts about Functions

Theorem 3E For a set F, dom and ran . For a relation F, .

Theorem 3F For a set F, is a function iff F is single-rooted. A relation F is a function iff is single-rooted.

Theorem 3G Assume that F is a one-to-one function. If then . If then

Theorem 3H Assume that F and G are functions. Then is a function, its domain is

and for x in its domain, .

The thing about our definition is that we want them to be general such that they are applicable even to nonfunctions.

Theorem 3I For any sets F and G,

This theorem expresses common knowledge. In getting dressed, one first put on socks and then shoes. But in the inverse process of getting undressed, one first removes shoes and then socks.

Theorem 3J Assume that , and that A is nonempty.

a) There exists a function such that ("left inverse") is the identity function on A iff F is one-to-one.

b) There exists a function such that $ ("right inverse") is the identity function on B iff F maps A onto B.

Axiom of Choice: (first form) For any relation there is a function with .

Corollary 3L For any function and sets :

We conclude our discussion of functions with some definitions that may be useful later. Out intent is to build a large working vocabulary of set-theoretic notations.

Consider an infinite union . We call I the index set. Let F be a function whose domain includes I. Then we define

Example: if , THEN

Disclaimer: this is a summary of section 3.4 from the book "Elements of Set Theory" by Herbert B. Enderton, the content apart from rephrasing is identical, most of the equations are from the book and the same examples are treated. All of the equation images were screenshots from generated latex form using typora
  1. Elements of Set Theory by Herbert B. Enderton

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