Pleasure and effect of Masturbation

GOOD DAY Steemians family and friends, I welcome you to my page and I am sharing with you today “Pleasure and effect of Masturbation”

Another name for masturbation can also be called ;

  • Asphyxiophilia – Sexual excitement by self-strangulation.


Masturbation today as in generations past remains one of the most noxious habits perpetrated by young people all over the world.

From a medical perspective it wouldn't harm your body at all if you chose not to masturbate, Masturbation is a normal activity. Contrary to any myths you may have heard, masturbation will not cause you to go blind but can actually do worse, it will not grow hair on your palms, but can cause you to become vulnerable to some certain diseases. (If too much or become more addicted to it)

  • Masturbation is an activity few talk about but in which so many partake. Despite being trend in so many parts of the world, history tells us that masturbation has been around pretty much forever, and it's not going away anytime soon. We know the most obvious side effect of masturbation (it feels good), but few realize that the pastime can have many other side effects, both good and bad.

  • Stress and Pain Relief :
    Masturbating is like any sexual activity, releases endorphins, chemicals in our body that promote a sense of happiness and can relieve stress.

  • Biblical Condemnation : People often condemn masturbation because of their religious believe and most believe it’s a evil thing to do in the sight of God.

Source : The Bible said In Matthew 5:28 “whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Sexual lusting in the mind is the primary reason or trigger for masturbation which simply means it’s a sin.

Masturbation is a sin and it’s certainly something you cannot publicly proud of, Almost every teenager has passed through the process of masturbation one way or the other and it has caused a lot of problems for teenagers, Youths and Adults because of their addiction to it.


  • ADDICTION : Masturbation Addiction happens in every society , across the world and every period of history, and it's the way most teenagers find out what they appreciate before starting on mature sex-related connections.

when it becomes addition masturbation can cause harm both psychologically as well as biologically. The underlying point is that too much of anything can be bad.

Being addicted to masturbation can have a negative impact on your relationships and other parts of your life.

  • Lose of regular routines.
  • Back pain
  • Effect on sexual life
  • Problems in sex organs
  • Sperm discharge
  • Urine infection
  • Dizziness
  • Nervousness
  • Headache
  • loss of appetite leading to weight loss
  • Insomnia
  • Tiredness
  • Great exhaustion of exercising
  • Loss of memory and sight
  • Premature Ejaculations
  • Semen leakage
  • Difficulty in performing real sexual inter course because of weak ejaculation
  • Inflammation or pain in muscles or joints
  • Increased risk of cancer
  • swelling of the penis
  • Pain in the shoulder and side
  • Reduce orgasm


  • PERSONAL ADVICE : Don’t let the fun of it ruined your life, you can actually resist it if you invest some of your time by finding solution to it, maybe via internet or any other means around you, such as contacting a doctor and many more, try as much as you can to make sure you don’t always be alone because an idle mind is the devil workshop!
    Thank you for taking your time to read my Blog today ✌️

God bless ❤️

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