Blockchain Technology + Insurance Industry = SafeInsure


Who? SafeInsure coin. SafeInsure is the first of its kind…EVER! It is the first insurance marketplace, to offers fair cost, honesty and true transparency to the entire insurance industry, for both the consumers and the policymakers!

You have to also remember, that its the team members above and the entire SafeInsure Community that will make this an unbelievable success. Neither side can accomplish the goals alone.

What? Has arrived to set the old insurance industry a blaze by combining the advantages of blockchain technology with the old way of doing business with insurance. Below, are just a few of the many milestones that have been passed by SafeInsure.

Where? Everywhere… It does not make a difference whether you are in New York, London, Los Angeles, or Africa or Austrailia. The SafeInsure Insurance marketplace will be made available to each and every person on the globe.

Why? Because the old way of conducting business has got to change. Consumers are looking for much-needed savings and the ability to pick and choose the coverage and options that they want. And for the policy makers/underwriters the ability to decrease frauds, make the claim process fast and painless.

How? The introduction of Blockchain technology. This exciting addition to the insurance world will help make all transactions transparent. Keep both the consumer and policy makers honest and 100% accountable. All transactions information will be placed on the blockchain for all users viewing when needed. Sign-up will be easy and effortless as in the graphic below:

Names, date, times, amounts, and all necessary important information will be kept in blocks on the blockchain allowing users anywhere on the globe access to information pertaining to them. Each transaction is stacked on top of the previous transaction that occurred forming a chain. Each is linked together through the use of cryptography to not allow anyone without the necessary authority to view such transactions.

How? Part II: All security protocols are conducted through the use of masternodes. Masternodes are SafeInsure wallets that are kept open and running on investors computers, that have met the required collateral of 1,000 SafeInsure(SINS) coins in the wallet.

Masternodes provide vital services to the SafeInsure network. They secure the network from malicious attacks from outside sources. Also, they ensure that transactions are completed in the fastest time possible, even a fast as a few seconds. And, masternodes help to maintain a decentralized network and platform for SafeInsure. One of the most important functions is to record data onto the blockchain (time, date, amounts, address, and transaction identification numbers) at the same time maintains a copy of the entire blockchain in real-time.

What's in it for you? For investors that put their trust in SafeInsure and it’s future, by becoming a SafeInsure Coin Masternode owner are paid each day that they maintain their mastrnode(s) by receiving daily rewards. Yes, it is that simple to create a pretty nice passive income. All you have to do is Download the wallet to match your OS on your desktop or laptop. Got to any of the three exchanges listed below to purchase the required collateral of 1,000 SafeInsure (SINS) coins, plus two extra to cover transaction fees. Send the coins to your local wallet on your computer. Remember, you have and will always maintain total control of your 1000 coins that are in your wallet at all times. Lock the coins into the masternode tab, and synch to the SafeInsure blockchain, and you’re all set! You can cash your rewards in for fiat or for bitcoins…, but the best thing is that you have created an income that you will make money while you are sleeping!

So, click below and get your SafeInsure masternode up and running and make some money.



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